Chapter 124: Impress

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During the days of Andrea's recovery, they made sure everything was at her beck and call, Tristen especially. He made sure everything she needed was provided for her as he didn't want her to lack nothing.

His concern about her, heightened. A black Ford would always stay by the roadside at night watching over her home . Then leaves when it's dawn. These were strict orders from Tristen . He never wanted to let her out of his sight.

He arrives her house in black t-shirt and an ironed black pants with his polished black shoes. With his hair swept back neatly, looking handsome as usual.

"I'll get it" Andrea says standing up immediately to get the door as she was strong enough to stand on her feet. She was tired of things being done for her whilst she wasn't crippled or anything.

She gets the door and mets with Tristen's piercing grey eyes. She swallowed hard as she assessed him. It seemed to her like he had gotten more hotter and more handsome as his t-shirt hugged his muscles, making him a delicious meal for her alone!!.

He smiles softly at her "Aren't you gonna let me in little girl?". He speaks with his hoarse sexy voice she would never get tired off.

She clears her throat" um ... Co....come in" she stammers.

He chuckles lightly, stepping inside, he holds her by her waist , draws her her close and give her a wet kiss on her neck, sending cold shivers down her spine.

"Oh dear your just in time for lunch" her mom smiles as she approaches him.

"Hi ma'am" he smiles , dropping some goods he got for them.

"You don't have to get us stuffs each time you come here , son" she tells him.

"I want Andrea to be comfortable" he says plainly and sincerely.

"Speaking about her" she motions towards Andrea who had been staring at these two individuals talk like they've known each other.

"Would you mind taking these to the kitchen baby, I'll set the table".

"Yeah sure" she says as she moves swiftly takes the goods and goes into the kitchen.

She goes into the kitchen, starts placing them where they are suppose to be.

"Your mom is a sweet lady" Tristen voice startles her .

"Jesus" she shrieks in fear.

"I'm sorry, didn't mean to scare you".

" You should probably be at the dining, I'll join you later".

"I'd rather stay here with you". He tells her as he gets closer to her.

" You really shouldn't be getting these good stuffs each time you visit. You don't need to do all these stuffs to find favor in her eyes , she doesn't work that way" she tells him and continues with her work

There was a hint of if sadness shown on his face. He was never doing nice things to please her mom. He did these things because he loved her and didn't want her to lack nothing.

"I'm not doing these stuffs to please your mom or anything, if I actually wanted to please her, buying her a mansion would cost me nothing or making her travel with my jet back to Canada would take me nothing. And you think bringing stuffs each time I come here , I do it to please her?, is that how you rate me baby girl?" He says this with sadness shown in his face.

She feels guilty " I'm just saying incase you are".

He bits his lip" you know why I'm here?, I'm here to tell them the relationship we have . I'm going to tell them about us" he says and tries to leave.

Andrea holds him back" this is not the right time to spill whatever it is you have inside of you. ".

He looks at her accessing her face, he tucks her hair behind her eyes and mutters slowly but deeply" I think it is sweetheart " he tells her and leaves.

Andrea sighs frustratedly and follows him. Her father joins them shorty.

"I see your boss decided to join us today" her father speaks, as he clears his throat settling down.

Andrea chuckles nervously.

"So tell me young man. I see this relationship you have with my daughter is more than a professional one, seeing your consistent visit here" .

"Daddy???" Andrea calls out to him , in embarrassment.

He couldn't care less, he was a plain man. And he cared about his only girl more than anything and he wouldn't want to see her hurt because of a guy. She was his daughter, so he needed to keep her safe.

"Andrea and I share some more than just a professional relationship sir. We were actually in a relationship before the accident".

"Were?, you both aren't now?". Her mom chips in.

"Dad can we discuss this later " Andrea was dying of embarrassment. She knew Tristen to be a plain and blunt man , so she feared he might spill the agreement they had .

"We had a little argument, she left the house and got hit by a stray bullet and right now she's still mad at me, I'm doing everything possible to show her how apologetic I am" he says this last words as he stares at Andrea who gazed at him before quickly turning away taking a bite of her broccoli.

"What was the argument about if I may ask" her mom interrogates.

"Mom, it's nothing serious. Just mere misunderstanding between couples. We'll sort it out" Andrea says immediately before Tristen would speak up.

"Very well then" she replies, taking a sip of her wine.

Andrea gulps all of her wine in embarrassment wishing the ground would swallow her up.

Author's note

I feel for Andrea lol..... Keep voting

Xoxo ❤️❤️

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