Chapter 125: Blessings

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Andrea clears the dinning after they were done with lunch , her mom was back in the kitchen doing the dishes.

Tristen uses the opportunity to go meet her father to tell his intentions towards here were pure .

Her father pours a glass of whiskey as he makes himself comfortable in the living room .

Tristen comes , feeling somewhat nervous. This was the first time he approached a man for something other than anything concerning work. Something concerning his emotions, so it got him tensed up but he was willing to tell him how he felt towards his daughter , even if it was not going to end well.

He sits in silence, not knowing where to start from. This was the first time he lost words to say to someone.

"So your intentions towards my daughter are pure?". Andrea's father says like he read his mind.

"Mm, yes sir . I really do care about her ". Tristen confesses almost quickly.

"She's my life young man, I'll not know what I'll do if something happens to her or if someone hurts her. I almost lost it when I heard she was in the hospital".

Tristen fell silent, as he felt guilty for hiding things attached to the argument and the accident from Andrea's father ,but he knew it was best that way.

"I understand sir , fully. I want to discuss with you formally. I want to sort things out with her, clear the bad air and protect her with my life" he looks at him , meaning every word he said.

Andrea's father looks at him intently, studying him very well. Then he sighs heavily and speaks" I love her so much, she's my only daughter. I hope you keep your word".

"I promise to protect Jacqueline". Tristen says these words and Andrea father's narrows his eyes.

"I didn't mention her name was Jacqueline, how'd you know that?". He knew very well Andrea never told anyone about her french name unless they were people she loved so much.

" She told me, she was being called the name by close family members and people she cared about ".

Andrea's father smirks " you have my blessings " he taps his shoulders and leaves.

A huge smile plays on Tristen's face , as he was trying so hard not to scream like someone who won a lottery.

He turns and sees Andrea gazing at him. He stands up , looking at her.
Andrea stares at him innocently, not understanding what went on.

He goes close to her , he approaches her , taking her hands slowly and softly. Confused Andrea looks at the action that was going on, swallowing  softly.

He holds her close to him, bumping head with hers ,"your father  gave his blessings" his hot breath kisses her skin. She closes her eyes , then she stares at him.

"How.. how?".

He was about to speak when he heard footsteps, then he withdrew from her.

Her parents comes to them.
"I'll take my leave now, I have some work. Thank you for having me. Your meal was wonderful ma'am , do invite me for lunch again".

Andrea's mum smiles widely " of course, you can come anytime. Thank you for your help and for my daughter".

"My pleasure" he says as he tries to leave. He stops and turns looking at Andrea. Andrea got scared... what will he do now, I hope he's not going to kiss me now. These words were said in her heart.

"One more thing, I'd like her to stay at my place, well maybe once you've left for Canada. I want to take care of her".

"Well it's not for us to decide, she's right here. She's grown, she'll decide for herself. Her father speaks.

Tristen nods quickly " very well "  he goes to Drea and kisses her forehead " see you at home". He says , smiles at her parents and leaves.

Once the door was closed , she turns to her parents. Her mom smiled widely , while a playful smirk appeared on her father's lips. He kisses his wife's cheeks and leaves.

Her mom stays behind looking at her daughter, smiling at her.

"Mum, don't" she says as he walks pass her , knowing fully well what the smile was for and what she had in mind.

"So you didn't tell me you shared an apartment with a handsome man." She tells her as she joins her in the kitchen.

"I don't " Drea denies.

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't know you shared a home with that handsome young man that cares about you so much ".

Andrea stops what she was doing and looks at her mom " I don't anymore" she says like she didn't care.

"But you want to...... I see the way you both stare at each other". She says calmy.

Andrea keeps calm. Her mom leads her to sit with her"peu importe ce que tu avis avec ce jeune home, pardonnez le, couples ont de problèms et le résoudre reinforce de relation. Je vois la façon dont il te regardsl. IL est désolé pour tout ce qu'ila fait et il t'aime Jacqueline. (whatever it is you're having with that young man, forgive him, couples have issues and sorting it out makes the relationship stronger. I see the way he stares at you. He's sorry about what ever he did and he loves you Jacqueline.)

"Je ne sais pas maman (I don't know mum)" Andrea tells her not believing Tristen loved her. She keeps hearing from everyone, and yet he hasn't told her yet .

" Je te crois, prends le de ma part , mon amour. Ce ne serait pas mal si  tu allais chez Lui. Je veux dire ,tu es une adulte bien établie .Tu travaille tellment dur et je veux que tu sois heureuse et que tu t'installes avec quelqu'un , et  je sais  qu'il the rend heureuse .   (He does , take it from me love. It won't be bad if you go to his place, I mean you're all grown up, you're an adult. You work so hard and I want you to be happy and settle with someone and I know he makes you happy." )

Andrea smiles and nods " J'entends ( I hear you".)

Her mom smiles and kisses her head " Je t'aime ma Jacqueline (love you my Jacqueline ".)

" Je t'aime maman (I love you mom ") she smiles  and her mom leave, leaving Andrea in thoughts.

Author's note

Thank you for the massive support.. I love you

Xoxo ❤️❤️

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