Chapter 154: Explanation

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A month later

"Hey Fuego?"

Fuego turns and sees Eloise standing outside Tristen's Mansion. He sighs deeply and runs to meet her.

She puts her arms over him and gives him a hug, closing her eyes and feeling his warmth. This was what she needed now that things weren't going well in their lives.

Fuego hugs her tightly with his eyes closed heaving a sigh of deep relief " please tell me you had a good reason for selling us out to that bastard, baby"

She detaches herself from him" I need to speak to Tristen, I need to explain what I did and why I did what I did".

"I don't think he's in the right state to speak to you right now".

"And Drea?"

"You haven't answered any of our calls Eloise, not mine or even your best friend, so she thought you were actually avoiding us".

With her troubled face, she groans sadly" I was , I...... I just couldn't face you guys..... Where is she please".


She nods and goes in with Fuego following her behind.

She goes in and sees Andrea coming down from the stairs. Andrea pauses briefly, looking at her with so many things running in her head, before she comes down going to meet her .

"H..hi" Eloise stutters.

"Hi" Andrea whispers

"Look Drea I can explain".

"Okay, go on" Andrea tells her folding her arms.

Eloise looks at her in disbelief " you don't think I'd sell you guys out like that do you?".

Andrea shrugs her shoulders " I honestly don't know what to believe right now, I just hope you'd have a good reason for that, and for not attending Mrs Chloe's funeral ".

"My mom's condition slightly got worse and I couldn't leave her in the hospital ".

"How is she?" Andrea asks with concern.

"Normal , all good, where is Tristen please I need to speak to him".

"What are you doing here?" Tristen's voice thundered upstairs as everyone turned abruptly looking at him as he shot a deadly glare at Eloise.

Eloise's hairs rose as she met with his darkened eyes as he came down majestically and dangerously, from the stairs.

He met with her , looking at her intently with clenched jaw and tighted fists.

"Look Tristen, I'm sorry I couldn't come to your mom's funeral I..."

"I wouldn't let you anywhere close to her gravestone if you did so it was best you didn't come, to avoid embarrassment " Tristen replies sharply still with his hardened face.

She looks down feeling hurt by what had just come out from Tristen's mouth but she understood, he was hurting so she didn't hold it against him.

She nods " Tristen I ...."

"If that's what you came here to say then you have nothing else , you can leave now".

Andrea chips in, she felt bad for how Tristen treated her" Tristen let her explain, I'm sure she has a good reason for doing what she did".

He scoffs , biting his lips nodding " good reason" he scoffs again" well I don't think that reason would have any effect on me because as you've seen and heard my mom is dead , so she can leave, I don't need any explanation".

Eloise replies" Tristen I swear if I had another way to avert this I would ".

"I said leave Eloise!!" Tristen raises his voice a little.

She shudders but replies still "No!, I'm not leaving until I give an explanation for doing what I did" she stood there stubbornly.

He turns to Andrea" can you tell your best friend to get the hell out of my house?".

Andrea cocks her brows" Tristen, stop".

Elosie tells her " it's okay Andrea I understand " she tries to open her mouth to say something, but she stops sighing, her eyes became blurry and tears gathered her eyes.

"Oh please, don't bring self pity here" Tristen says in anger

"Chill out man, and let her fucking explain ". Fuego was beginning to get annoyed by the way Tristen spoke to his girlfriend.

Author's note

Keep voting..

Xoxo ❤️❤️

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