Chapter 127: Welcome

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Tristen opens the door and Andrea met happy faces , especially that of noona. She decided to take her mother and Eloise's advice and move into Tristen's mansion after two weeks of thinking about it.

Noona strodes towards her, hugging and kissing her " I missed you my dear, I thought you never wanted to see me again".

"Awn, no never, I missed you so much. I just had to round up some stuffs before coming home". She says and Tristen smiles hearing her call his house her home. It melted his heart.

"You're welcome dear, I have prepared what you love the most"

"Thank you so much noona" she smiles , then goes and greets her husband, who gave a welcome card.

She reads it and her eyes warms up in tears. He hugs him appreciating him. She was happy and she felt lucky to have them.

Fuego approaches her smiling. She returns the smile and hugs him which he glady returns, smiling too.

"I'm glad you're home amateur".

"We have a lot of catching up to do Mr huge guy" she smiles.

"Of course, hit me up when you're ready".

"You know I will" she smiles.

"Why don't you come upstairs, have some rest. We have the whole day to get together" Tristen speaks.

"Okay" she turns to noona " I'll see you in a few okay?".

"Of course dear, have some rest, you need it".

She nods and Tristen leads her upstairs.

They stop in front of Andrea's room and his. He looks at her ,then asks. "Do you want to stay with me?". He hoped she would affirm to it but he got disappointed yet again!!.

"I'll stay in mine" she says. He nods disappointedly, then he opens the door and lets her in.

Her room was neatly kept just like how it was except they added little designs to her room, gifts and welcome presents for her.

She smiles as she walks into the room, she turns to him , the smile still on her face" did you do this?".

Tristen nods like a cute little boy, with both hands behind his back. He looks at her , patiently waiting for her to say something.

"Thank you, they are lovely" she says sincerely.

He holds her hands caressing them softly " I'm glad you love it".

She nods and lets go, she sits on her soft mattress, sighing.

He follows her, sitting down keeping calm. She tucks her hair behind her ear nervously, licking her lips immediately.

They both sat in awkward silence,until Tristen speaks up." Did you mean what you said, when we fought?".

He asks her and she says nothing.

He puts a leg on the mattress, he turns to her going closer ,a strand of hair Infront of him. "Do you hate me?".

She sighs and stands , turning her back on him while Tristen stares" I don't know okay, I don't know what I feel. You saved my life, I should be grateful " she turns and faces him . 
"I don't know... I... I feel hurt , like inside of me. I want to pretend like it's not there but I can't ".

He stands and goes to her "yes because I hurt you, I said stuffs I should have never said and I'm deeply sorry ".

"I need time please. I'm grateful to you for your help. I know you were the anonymous guy . How much was the bill Tristen " .

Tristen doesn't reply, he simply stared out the window.

"Tristen tell me ".

"It's done with, no need to bring it up"

"I still want to know".

He goes to her and kisses her forehead " it's my fault you're in this mess, the bill is nothing. Get some rest". He tells her and tries to leave but she holds him stubbornly.

He gazes at her " Three million" he says and leaves, Leaving her in shock

Author's note

...... Keep voting...

Xoxo ❤️❤️

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