Chapter 162: News

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Lisa storms into Drew's office, with his secretary behind her frowning.

She opens the door and finds Drew , as usual on his system with a glass of whiskey beside him. He looks up with stern face, clearly showing annoyance. He frowns as he sees Lisa approaching his table.

"I'm really sorry sir , I tried to stop her but she wouldn't listen" . His secretary bows her head , scared of what he would do. She knew for sure he was going to dismiss her from work.

"Fuck off" he says dryly and she leaves the office immediately.

He looks at Lisa, who folded her arms looking at him with killer eyes.

"What the fuck do you want!?".

"I've been calling your fuckin phone for two weeks now , and you're not answering. You're definitely avoiding me ".

"Well Incase you haven't notice?, I'm a damn busy man and what else do you want to call me for except me fuckin you and I'm in no mood for that. I have work to do, so get out!". He says and continues with what he was working on, on his system.

She scoffs, looking away. Then she looks back at him" I'm pregnant".

He looks at her with an eyebrow up, and then back at his system.

"Didn't you hear what the fuck I just said?".

"You're in my office Lisa, I'd reckon you watch your mouth, lower your fuckin tone and speak to me with respect".

"Well what are we going to do?".

"The usual thing you have been doing, get rid of it" he says and takes a sip of his whiskey.

"You didn't think that would be the first thing on my mind right now?, you think I'd tell you if I didn't know what to do.".

"Then why are you here huh?, shouldn't you be at the hospital taking care of your situation?".

"My situation?, this is our situation. You fuckin cummed inside me remember ".

"Well you loved it". Drew snaps back.

"I have had so many abortions, for you and your fuckin son. I went to get rid of it and I was told if I get rid of this pregnancy, I'd loose my womb and I'm not ready to be barren like your dead wife, Chloe" she says disrespectfully.

These words annoyed Drew so much, he grits his teeth angrily, holding his glass tightly. He stands and throws the glass on the wall making it shatter into tiny pieces, making Lisa flinch in fear.

He stands up and goes to her , holding her tightly by the throat, his eyes blazing with anger " Don't talk about Chloe like that, do you get me?!!!" She says nothing, she hits his arms trying to free herself from his clutch.
"Do you fuckin get me?!!!!!" He shouts and she nods immediately, turning red.

He lets go of her roughly and walks to his wine cabinet, pouring himself another drink while Lisa coughs trying to get air.

He gulps his whiskey in one go and pours himself another, looking at Lisa , who finally got herself.

She clears her throat, rubbing it softly " fuck!!" She mutters slowly " why do you care so much about her?, you hate her and yet you hate when people speak ill of her. You killed her remember?".

He sighs" If I can't have her?, then no one will".

"Fucking crazy" she whispers.

"What did you say?".

"Fuck!, nothing.... Goddd. What are we going to do.. I don't want to keep this baby , yet I have no choice. I want to get married in the future and have kids ".

Drew chuckles " get married"

"Is something funny?"

"Well I'm not ready to be a Father right now, I'm sure there's a way to get rid of the pregnancy without your womb being tampered"  he says without care .

"There's no way Drew, I have tried . We're having this baby. I mean you should be happy you're getting an heir right?, Dan's dead and you never regarded Tristen as your son. Don't you want someone to continue your lineage?".

"What I want doesn't concern you. Leave, I'll think of a way to solve this".

"We won't hide this forever Drew".

"I know how pregnancy works, I'm not fuckin dumb".

She stares at him with scorn and leaves his office.

"Fuck!!" He mutters slowly and continues with his work.

Author's note

This just doesn't end does it??.. keep voting

Xoxo ❤️❤️

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