Chapter 84:Sick

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Andrea tries Tristen's phone again but he still doesn't pick up .

It's been two days since they saw each other, and she knew something was up seeing he barely responds to her email.

She tries once more and someone picks up, she hears Noona's calm and soft voice and she gets confused.

"Hi noona , how are you".

"I'm good my dear " she replies slowly.

"Where's Tristen?, Been trying to get through to him but he's not picking up or answering my emails".

"Oh dear I'm sorry . bunny came up with a very bad cold . The doctor just left and he's on complete bed rest".

She gets a little bit alarmed" Is he alright,noona? ".

"Don't worry dear , he'll be okay".

"I'll be there in 10 minutes, okay?".

"Alright dear , and calm down, he'll be fine, he's asleep".

She disconnects the call and begins getting her things ready . She leaves her house and drives off to his place.

She gets there after some minutes and rushes to meet him in his room.

She meets noona coming out of his room. She sees her and smiled warmly.

"He's inside, he's in the bathroom".

"Can I come in?"

"I'll have to ask him, he doesn't let women into his room".

"Oh " that's all she says disappointedly but she was adamant on seeing him even if it means going against his rule.

Noona goes in, and hears inaudible voices inside. Then she comes out smiling at her. "You can go in dear".

Andrea rushes in with worry in her eyes. She approaches him and could see the discomfort in his face,  she touches his forehead and sees it burning with fever with his cheeks flushed.

She gently places her hand on his body feeling the heat radiating from his body.

He groans in pain as he slowly opens his weak eyes and meets with her .

"Andrea" he slowly says in pain.

"Shhh, shh , don't speak you have a high fever" she gets close to him soothing his head. "Why didn't you inform me , you were down?".

He looks at her tiredly, smirking at her " because you wouldn't find me sexy and I didn't want that".

She hisses " don't do this again okay, you had me worried".

"You worry about me?" He says gently, as he touches her hair.

"I do , I'm sorry. If I hadn't subjected you to a lot of stress this past few days , then you wouldn't have been in this state, I'm sorry ".

"It's okay little girl " he coughs" don't blame yourself, I enjoyed it just a little " and she laughs.

She gently rubs his forehead and leans in to kiss him but he looks away.

"You'll get sick " .

She doesn't say anything but leans in anyway and gently placed her lips on his soft but pale lips. She gives him a soft kiss , then goes up to his forehead and kisses him and his face softens as he stares at her looking at her with gratitude.

He winced and she places a cool cloth on his forehead to help with the fever, then damps his bare chest.

She tries to stand but he holds her back.

"Where are you going?".

"I need to prepare something for you, maybe soup . It'd help with the fever okay?" She says as she tries to leave but he still has his grip on her.

With a weak voice ,he manages to speak " don't go, stay ".

"I won't be long  I just need...".

"Please" he interrupts her and she gives in , she gets to bed with him caressing his face. He buries his head on her neck immediately, circling his arms around her waist pulling her closer.

"You'll be fine " she assures him and he groans in reply.

Author's note

Please keep voting and follow up.

Xoxo ❤️❤️

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