Chapter 159: Gifts and date night

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Fuego walks towards Eloise's doorstep , in his sleek black suit, his hair coffied smoothly, with perfect jawline and his ocean green eyes.

He rings the doorbell and waits patiently for his girl to open to him, holding two bouquet of flowers. A rose flower and a Tulip as they were her favorite.

The door opens and he smiles , his eyes getting softer than ever. He looks at her with all the love. He had fallen deep for this woman.

She wore a stunning knee length deep red dress, that made her look so precious and beautiful. With her hair styled in a loose romantic  curves that cascade over her shoulders and soft curls frame on her face bringing bout her natural beauty. With her red lipstick, she smiles softly at him.

"Hey you" these words strangely turned on him as she says them slowly, giving him the eyes that riled him up so much.

He bites his lips unknowingly, looking at her with his eyes darkening.

"Eyes baby" she says as she gets close to him, giving him a kiss very close to his lip, making him shiver.

"I see you got me flowers, how sweet " she takes them from him and he regains himself.

"I'm sorry, you're fucking beautiful Eloise" he tries to kiss her but she stops him with her slender long index finger. " We haven't started the night yet" she smiles.

He brings his hands out and she takes his . He leads her to his sleek black sports car, and they drove to the restaurant.

He had already bought a table for them, so they were led to their special table, with candle lights and flowers in a glass vase.

"It's beautiful" she turns to him smiling.

"I'm glad you like it. Come" he guides her to sit down.

"Vip area, how fancy " she moves her shoulders like a little girl and he smiles at her little act.

"I didn't want eyes prying " as he says this , they were given their menu and they chose what they would have for appetizers and main dish.

"You're really pretty, like very beautiful sweetheart " Fuego confesses again not able to hold himself.

She giggles" thank you baby, you look really sexy tonight. I gave a girl death stares ".

He huffs smiling " what, why?".

"Cause she was staring at my man" she says and took a sip of water.

"Well I hope she looked away".

"Of course she did, if she didn't I'd definitely go over there and confront her".

"No need for that feisty ". Fuego says and she smiles.

"You know I will".

"I know love. We've been too busy and  occupied with all these stuffs going on, I forgot to take you out on dates an stuffs ".

"It's okay baby, your company is better. Don't hit yourself and besides you can't be doing all the stuff, I should too but you won't let me ".

"You know me well" he says and kisses her knuckles.

They had their dishes brought to them and they ate and discussed happily. They had their dessert and soon it was time for them to leave.

As they were about to leave, a waiter came in smiling with a some gifts and drops in on their table, he turns to Fuego bows and leave with Fuego smiling, mouthing a thank you.

"What's all these asshole " she smiles.

"There are for you, for being pretty " he hands her a box.

She takes it from him and opens it .she gasps as her eyes became  watery, it was a set of diamond jewelries." Fuego you shouldn't, no I'm not going to accept this" she says and closes it pushing it to him but he stops her.

"No no, I want to do it love , don't reject it".

"This is too much Fuego, I can't accept it".

"You're too much. You deserve this, I want to spoil my woman and I know you are all independent but let me buy you things at least, let me spoil you please and this is actually nothing". His green eyes lighting up as she stares warmly at the woman he had fallen deeply in love with. He was a giver when he was in love and to him, this was nothing but the beginning.

She sniffs " kiss me before I ruin my makeup"

Fuego chuckles, stands up immediately and goes to her . He kisses her forehead then moves to her lips and kisses her there softly, holding her closely like he didn't want to let go, not caring if anyone saw him.

Then he let go. " I love you Fuego" she whispers and smiles.

"I love you more mi vida" he smiles and kisses her forehead once more.

"Are you ready to leave? " He asks and she nods.

He takes the gift and leads her out of the restaurant of course taking care of the bill.

Author's note

Fuego's so sweet keep voting

Xoxo ❤️ ❤️

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