Chapter 28:Busted

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Author's pov

Back at the restaurant, the deal and the meeting was settled , Andrea was about saying one more thing before she got a call.

She looked up and it was an unsaved number, she didn't bother picking it up . She hung up and said she was going to return the call.

Tristen was so pissed as Andrea didn't even bother picking his call. He called again and still no answer.

"Fuckkkkkk" he cursed at he threw some things away and called again.

" Andrea I think you should pick the call it's been calling nonstop now, it might be urgent ". Rayshon noticed the call coming in severally and urged her to pick.

"Don't worry sir I'll return it after we are done, I'm sorry I...." And the call came in again.

"Pick it Andrea it might be important "

Andrea gave in and she picked the call and placed it to her ear .

"I want to see you at the office now" the voice thundered and Andrea widened her eyes as she knew the voice of the person.

"Um  okay I'll be right there "

Tristen hung up as he cursed again , he took a bottle of whiskey and he put some into a glass and gulped it immediately.

Andrea gathered her things ", I'm sorry sir I need to go, I know about everything I'll be ready by tomorrow".

"Is anything the problem?" Rayshon asked with concern.

"Oh no my boss just needs me that's all"

"What's wrong , did he know about our meeting?".

"I doubt that , I'll see you tomorrow, goodnight" she said as she gave him the quickest smile and left immediately.

Andrea didn't bother changing her outfit, she started her ignition and drove straight to the office , she was scared and  prayed within her self that he doesn't find out about her meeting.

After 20 minutes, she arrived at the company and hurriedly took the elevator that led to Tristen's office.

She approached the door, knocked and slowly opened the door . She gasped as she saw documents littered on the floor.

She looked up to where Tristen stood backing her, his hands were in his pocket, his sleeves were up as usual.

"Sir you called for me". Andrea asked scared .

"Did you call in sick today" his voice was calm but she could notice the rage within him.

"Yes I was feeling feverish so I couldn't make it to work today I told Lucinda I would come back once I'm fine".

He turned to meet her and saw how she dressed,he scoffed as he ruffled his hair making him look sexy. Andrea looked at him scared wondering what he would do next.

"Not with that attire , someone took you out?". He kept questioning her.

"I felt better after I took some medications so I decided to meet with a friend ".

He couldn't take it so he went straight to the point" Was that friend Rayshon?".

Andrea widened her eyes as she looked at him scared.

He laughed huskily as he walked towards where she was.

"Don't lie to me little girl, did you meet up with Rayshon?"

"Ye...yes sir" she replied as she stuttered in fear.

"And you had dinner with him?"

Andrea nodded in affirmation. " Mr Angel I can explain, we actually..".

"Are you screwing him?" He cut her short.

Andrea stared at him in disbelief, why in the world would he think that way, does he really see all women as sluts ? She narrowed her eyes and kept mute still staring at him trying to process what had just left Tristen's lips.

He came closer to her and asked her again"  are you screwing him Andrea" his voice was dangerously calm as he gritted his teeth angrily looking at her.

Tears stung Andrea's eyes as she tried to say something but couldn't, she proceeded to touch him when he moved back and came close to her swiftly, took both her hands and raised them above her head, Andrea gasped as she didn't even see what he did coming.

"Are you fucking screwing him Andrea" this time he screamed at her face his voice was filled with rage as he was trying so hard to hold himself.

"No no " Andrea replied frightened as tears rolled down her cheeks , she closed her eyes and kept shaking her head telling him she didn't.

"I'm not sleeping with him I swear" she finally broke down. Tristen, still holding her tightly looked down at her , he was still furious at her ,when he noticed her wincing in pain .

He felt warm liquid on his palm, he looked at her and back at where he was holding her and slowly let her hands go, he looked at his palm and noticed he had injured her due to the way he held her tightly, her bracelet had a pointy end so due to the way he held her tightly, the pointy end pierced her skin causing her to bleed.

His face softened as he looked at the blood on his hands and back at her and kept a stern face once more.

She continued sobbing as she held her injured hands.

"You will not come for the meeting tomorrow, I don't want to see your face in the office tomorrow, half of your pay would be deducted this month, this is the least punishment I can give to you until I think of a better way to punish you " he said calmy this time he backed her

Andrea quickly looked up , she couldn't believe what he said " please sir you can't do this , I have to.."

" I don't want to hear a word Andrea, leave now" the cold aura coming from him kept increasing.

"I'll leave but please don't deprive Mr Rayshon of this opportunity, he needs this I was trying to...."

"Can't you hear???" This time he turned and looked at her .

"I said leave right now ". He tone was completely emotionless.

Andrea looked up and stared at him and saw how aggravated she made him and she quickly opened the door and went away.

He saw her leave and quickly ruffled his hair cursing. He sat down and stared into oblivion suddenly he threw the glass he was holding and called Fuego in.

"Damn what happened". Fuego came in and was shocked to see the whole place littered.

"Get the car and let's go". Fuego didn't ask any further questions,he just followed him.

Andrea got into her car , she bent down on the staring and sobbed silently. After she was down she drove to a pharmaceutical store and dressed her injury before she drove to Eloise's apartment,

She knocked on her door and waited for her. Eloise opened the door and saw Andrea.

Andrea looked at her and finally broke down, Eloise understanding everything hugged her soothing her while Andrea cried profusely, Elosie didn't say a word and continued soothing her until she heard steady breaths, she brought her in , made sure she showered and lay her down to sleep, it didn't take up to five minutes before Andrea closed her wet eyelids and slept off.

Author's note

Ughhh I don't know what the hell is wrong with Tristen, I mean he took it far.. I'll keep up with the updates ...

Xoxo ❤️❤️

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