Chapter 80: Rough

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They got to a game store. Where they would throw darts to win a stuffed animal.

"Let's play Tristen" , she wiggles out of him and stood in front of the store. He knew not to disagree,  calmy but still frustrated, he asked on how to play and he was showed how to play the game.

Andrea said she want the stuffed bear  and begged to get it . He takes darts and began hitting animals, while she stays to cheer him encouraging him.

After so many attempts, he finally got the bear .  Throughout the trial , he was so adamant on getting the white soft bear , seeing how she  looked at it with happiness.

He gets the bear and hands it over to her, she takes it happily kissing and it and kissing his head thanking him.

She sees an ice cream truck and rushes there, with Tristen following her and smiling like a proud father who got the best gift for his little girl.

"I thought you said your feet hurts little girl" he asks amused and surprised

"Uhh, two icreams please" she turns to the man trying to avoid the question while Tristen shakes his head laughing, knowing she lied earlier.

Andrea buys two cons of ice creams and they both sit down to eat it.

"I'm drained , and it's because of you Andrea".

She smiles " you can't deny your having a good time right?".

He doesn't say anything and continues with his treat. " We are done for today, no more games or outings, it's late ,you need to go home".

"How would you go home,  you're not with your car ".

"I'll send someone to come get me, you shouldn't worry about it ".

"Okay, let's stay here for a while, "

Tristen says nothing and keeps calm while she relaxes on him and put a leg on his , holding his arm.

He bends and sniffs her hair and relaxes his head calmy on hers.

"Thank you for today Tristen, I enjoyed your company ".

He gives a quick smile and stays silent.

After some time, he looks down and finds her sleeping.

He tries lift her up without waking her but she flutters her eyes open and see they were still in the park and it was late.

"Shit I fell asleep,we  need to go". She began getting her stuffs ready

"Finally you realised " they both stand and walk up to her car.

"I'm driving,you might still be sleepy so you won't bash the car".

She didn't argue , she gives him the key and they both get in and begin driving .

"What about your ride ,Tristen".

"On their way" he says and continued driving.

"Pull over please"

He looks at her confused " why?".

"I want to wait for you".


"I brought you here so I want to make sure your rides get here".

He chuckles"I'm the man here little, girl  and you can be rest assured I'll get home safely ".

"I still want to wait ".

"You're fucking stubborn Jacqueline ".

"It's Andrea ".

He parked the car ,and increase the air-conditioner .

She puts on a calm music and they both sit in comfortable silence.

She puts her hand on his chin and stares at him smiling, admiring his being.

He stares back at her not saying anything, his dark sexy aura filling the room.

"When you smile, it suits you well, and when you smirk, it's sexy"  Andrea says with her attractive and sexy voice

His grey eyes looked like it deepend and darkened hearing this from her.
For a month, they had barely done anything asides  kissing each other and as much as he thought he could control himself, he was reaching the edge every time especially when he was with her.

He wanted more with her, he was trying so hard to control himself but with what she said that strangely turned him on, he wanted to make good use of it, of course only if she wanted it.

"Come here " he says with his gruffy voice  as she got up ,got to him and straddled him. Her  ass poking him and he sucked in air.

She stares at him and speaks " Happy one month fake anniversary"  she says and smiles at him.

He grips her waist tightly and begins, kissing her neck while she whimpers as goosebumps rises on her skin .

He inhaled her sweet, sexy scent and his dick twitched badly. He continues kissing her there and slowly moves to her jaw and gives her kisses before slowly moving to her lips.

He crashes his lips onto her with hunger . It was filled with frustration , desire and desperation. She kisses him back immediately as she digs her fingers into his hair moaning .

Their tongues moves fiercely , tangling against each other as they couldn't get enough of each other.

As the kiss deepened, his hands roamed all over her soft body as he growled trying to control himself.

He puts his hands into her shirt slowly still kissing her neck, he found her soft twin peaks and gave her a little squeeze and she moaned .

He held her ass onto his dick to keep giving the pleasure she was giving, she gently moved her ass forward, backwards before circling her ass and rocking him slowly feeling his already excited dick.

"Andrea" he says as he looks at her  plump lips before smashing his lips back and her now sucking her lips , gently biting and kissing her as if he was gently soothing her.

He keeps holding her close to him ,like if he lets go , she won't be there so he didn't want to take chances.

He goes over to her neck and kisses the soft spot just below her ear and she lost it, she moans his name loudly and she increases her pace.

He tries to move down to touch her ,but was Interrupted with a honk.

"Fuck" Tristen curses out unknowingly and Andrea laughs . She kisses his forehead before going over the passengers seat.

He holds her back and kisses her but this time gently . He moans and lets go bumping his forehead with hers he says deeply "the next time, no one would interrupt.. I'll make sure of that" he says and kisses her.

They both get out the car, Tristen goes to his and she gets into the driver's seat and drives off.

She gets home, showers and have something to eat before drifting to sleep.

Author's note

Soooooo , this is okayyyy.. I can't wait for more.. please do vote


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