chapter 4: Big Bad wolf

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Andrea's pov

We stopped in front of a hotel.a five star hotel to be precise. I walked into the premises and it was then I knew why Mr huge guy went  through the stress of making sure I was presentable.

Everyone and Everything was looking utterly exquisite . I walked beside Mr huge guy as he walked pass the receptionist .she didn't even try to stop us instead she bowed her head as a sign of respect to him ..I  decided to observe and not ask questions in order not to irritate him.

He led me towards the elevator and pressed the number of the floor we would go heart was already beating now because I didn't know what the hell I was going to face but this is a decision I made and I have to face what ever consequence it came with.

The elevator opened and I was led to a door .
" Wait here when I'm out then you can go in" .I nodded so he  entered the room .I admired the hall way as I walked around ,even the stairs were made out of expensive tiles something different from what I have seen..

I got a text from Elosie's mom saying they were in the hospital and they needed to see me .

I texted that I couldn't make it tonight ..I was working hard and I would provide the money for Elosie's surgery the next day .I just hope nothing bad has happened to her .

She texted me back asking me what I was doing, told her she doesn't need to worry about anything that the money would be ready unfailingly tomorrow .

Mr huge guy came out of the room and I put off my phone immediately.

"You can go in now and make sure you switch off your phone ,Boss doesn't like any disturbances during business". He said and left without waiting for me to speak.

Author's pov

Andrea took breaths before entering the was a presidential suite  .it was so spacious fit for more than six persons ..with a king sized bed that would be enough for five persons at the middle of the room. 

The interior decor was indescribably beautiful. It had a balcony  calling her  name .she was to impressed to notice the  big bad wolf sitted on a chair like a king staring at her in a dark glowering menacing manner .

She walked towards the balcony elegantly trying to make herself comfortable with her environment.l, smiling as air hit her skin .

she could see so many buildings ..and admired how  beautiful New York city was at night and from a beautiful view like that ,she wanted to stay there forever.

Tristen was surprised as he walked towards the balcony and stared at this little creature's back as she kept admiring her environment and nature "Doesn't she know what she's here for ?" He said within himself.

He kept staring at her for some minutes.. admiring how beautiful she was ..

women that came to him were whores and   models but this little creature right here wasn't any of them at all .He knew them when he saw them..

He was surprised at how she smiled like a little child each time her hair flew because of the wind . He had to be noticed so he asked her ,

" Am I too little to be noticed?" Tristen asked a little annoyed .this was the first time a woman came into his room without noticing his presence.he was amazed how this little prey wasn't' scared of the cold and dark aura coming from him , instead she smiled like a little child that had just gotten her best gift for Christmas leaving him for the balcony.

She turned abruptly and was short of words ..the man in front of her was something she thought only existed  in romance books.

Starting from how well his thick and black hair was swept neatly backwards   his  thick eyebrows and how well  pointed his nose was well defined his cheeks bones were , his deep and piercing grey eyes that were looking  deeply into her black eyes.

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