Chapter 163: Drink

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"I'm going to get a drink" Tristen says coming down from the stairs.

Andrea turns to meet him, " again?.. Tristen come on". She says tiredly.

"I know how to control myself Andrea, I'll get a drink and I'll be back home".

"Okay then , I'll come with " she stands, going towards the stairs.

"I'm going alone" he replies her , putting on his Rolex.

"Tristen, we have drinks of different kind at home, why don't you get yourself one , why going to the bar all the time".

"I don't go all the time, I had a long and busy day at work and I need something to ease myself"

"I'll give you a massage" she offers but he disapproves.

"I need a drink, definitely not from here" he says a little cold.

She sighs in sadness"it's getting to two months, you're not the Tristen I know. Your mom wouldn't want this, yeah I get it we miss her , I miss her everyday but she wouldn't want us to sulk and stop being happy . She took the bullet for you, she gave you another chance and you need to use it properly " she goes to him tiptoing, cupping his cheeks while he stares down at her.

"I should have died, she shouldn't have taken the bullet for me. She had no right to die , she had no right to take the bullet for me. He was coming for me and she decided to move in front of me and get shot. It's all my fault our lives are like this".

"No Tristen, it's not " she says softly caressing his cheeks.

" Yes it is, if I didn't stutter, then he wouldn't have hated her and hated me, and my mom wouldn't have lost her womb or Don wouldn't have been killed. I'll still be a normal man" he says with guilt in his beautiful grey eyes.

Her eyes gets watery" I'm here, you have me. I'm not going anywhere, I'm not leaving you, you haven't given me a reason to and even if you have I won't just unlove you over night. It's not your fault all these happened, you're just human , Drew was in the fuckin wrong when he didn't help see you through your condition. I sometimes find it hard to believe it's just cause you stuttered that made him hate you".

"How would I be able to lead meetings and all that"?.

"He would have found a way, not hating on you" she sighs and continues " I want you to know I'm with you on this, you don't have to push me or anyone away , you need us".

He leans in and gives her a kiss on her forehead then bumps his with hers "I love you" he mutters slowly and leaves the house immediately.

A drop of tears escapes Andrea's eyes and she wipes it off immediately, going back to the couch .

40 minutes later

Lisa comes into the bar to get a drink, trying to clear her frustration of her current situation.

"Hey gimme a bourbon" she signals to the bartender, he nods and get the drink, pouring the liquid in her glass.

She takes it at once and signals him to give her another and he does quickly. She takes it and tells him to give her more and he does without asking her if her intake was a little too much.

She takes it down and tries to order when she looks beside her and finds Tristen alone , taking his drink as well.

"Well , who do we have here" she mutters smirking.

"Hey" she calls out to the bartender " that man sitting over there, is he a regular?".

The bartender looks towards when Lisa points and he nods" yeah of recent, he comes and drinks, although not everyday but two time in a week sometimes three times ".

"Ohh" she says looking at Tristen who gulps his drink, pouring himself another

" He's always not happy, he drinks and sometimes gets a little drunk".

" I see " She gives him her payment, takes her drink, and goes over to him.

She sits on the leather chair beside him , smiling at him.

Author's note

He keeps getting into one issue or another...  Keep voting

Xoxo ❤️ ❤️

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