Chapter 10: Chocolate cake

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Author's pov

Ice cream chocolate cake was placed in front of Andrea and her eyes shone bright in happiness as she looked up at Dan.

"How'd you know I love chocolates" she asked smiling

"Well I might have seen you eat a lot of chocolates back at the office so I figured" he said smiling.

"I do love them soooo muchhhh "she said as she stressed her last words.

"Well wait until you taste these " he said as he cut a slice and brought it up to her mouth.

He saw how hesitant she was to eat them and he spoke " don't be shy Andrea I actually wanted to feed the first slice to you so you enjoy every bit of it so please open up"he said as he held it close to her.

Andrea smiled and opened her mouth and ate it. She closed her eyes , savored every bit of it smiling and she moaned in delight

"Mmmmm Godddddd this is sooo goodd Dann I've never had anything soooo good before " she said smiling as she took another bite.

Dan found her moan ridiculously sexy and he found his dick twitch in his pants as he kept watching her she  looked at him staring at her and the she looked around "did I speak too loudly Dan ? Sorry if I did " she apologized as he stopped eating and tried to clean her lips.

He leaned forward and used his thumb to wipe the remaining chocolate that stayed by the side of her lips and brought them to his mouth and licked his thumb slowly as he spoke " you're fascinating Andrea that's why they are staring.. just eat up " he said as he brought the spoon up and took a slice as he fed her and looked towards Tristen and smiled.

He somehow noticed Tristen had been looking at them since she arrived and decided to make him jealous and he was happy it was working.

Tristen had already ripped the cloth as he watched this strange guy do those things he did to Andrea,from feeding her to using his thumb to wipe the chocolate from her lips and licking them and how he somehow noticed the strange noticed how angry he was and  fed her more to aggravate him more .

Innocent Andrea unaware of what was going between these guys continued her dessert happily.

"I'm done here Fuego let's go "he said as he angrily got up and left..

"Damn"  Fuego cursed as he noticed the torn cloth. He paid the manager for the damage his boss caused and the food and left.

They got to their car and Tristen punched a wall beside them.

"Damn boss take it easy, why you getting  so worked up for that amateur "

"She fucking lied El Fuego "he angrily said ." You know I actually had pity on her when she was begging me to help her out . She's like every slut out there always chasing clout I bet her boyfriend doesn't know she was literally begging me to fuck her " he said angrily .

"Maybe she was being sincere I kinda saw it in her eyes and how are you even sure that guy was her boyfriend " Fuego asked .somehow  he didn't want to believe his boss for some reason.

"Fuck her and her fucking sincerity, didn't you see how that asshole was feeding her ?"

"Why are you even annoyed Boss? Nothing like has ever made you get so worked up? Are you jealous?" Fuego said half smiling.

Tristen noticed and replied "fuck off Fuego and don't fucking laugh I'm not jealous" he replied .

"As you say boss " Fuego said as he tried to hide his laughter. He opened the door and motioned him to go in.

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