Chapter 78: Ferris wheel

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"Yes Andrea, I'm in the office" Tristen's voice sounded over the phone.

"I want us to meet today Tristen".

"I have work today little girl".

"Remember we said no work for now, come on , were going out I'm taking you out".

"Where to?".

"A surprise, get ready we'll meet up at my place . Oh no no I'll meet you at yours ".

He disconnects the call and calls for Fuego.

"You'd be controlling the office for now, I have some work to do" he gets his suit jacket, getting ready to leave.

"You did the right thing, going for her boss" Fuego smiles at him.

Tristen tries to hide his smile " shut up and tell me if you have gotten any news about Drew".

"Still futile, people from the agency promised to find out more information but right now , we are advised to lay low and wait".

"I can't wait Fuego, Mama is in danger and so is Andrea. She got into this mess because of me, we need to act fast ".

"Let's go with what they say, they know this more than we do, so we don't try to do anything stupid ".

"Nothing is stupid, if they can't do it, then I have people who will".

Fuego thought hard , he looks up to him and his eyes widens" No , not them, don't involve Diego into this".

"Why ? He can help us".

"He's a fucking Mafia ,boss, this is dangerous".

Tristen clamors" My father is dangerous , don't you think he has made more mafia friends than we have ?".

Fuego lowers his tone "Don't go into this, not again boss. You remembered you promised to stay out of dangerous shits , you almost fucking got killed because of this, because of my fucking brother".

"Your twin brother Fuego, he will help us. You just need to talk to him. This is our family we're talking about here".

Fuego sighs "we will wait. If we don't get any news , then I'll call him, but I still think this is a bad idea".

Tristen sighs , nodding" okay, I'll take my leave " he taps Fuego's shoulder and leaves.

He arrives at his house 15 minutes later and changes into something comfortable. His  plain black sleeves and black pants.

Andrea arrives and gets into his home. She meets him coming out of his house with his keys.

"Hi you're all dressed up, mm you look good".

With a straight face, he replies "  let's go".

"Not so fast, we're using my car , and I'm driving".

He raised a brow " where are we going little girl".

She smiles , holding his hand and leading him to her car "I told you it's a surprise Mr impatient, come on, get in". She urges him and with a sigh he got in and got ready.

She started the engine and drove off of course with her smiling excitedly , telling him he was going to enjoy it.

"It better be worth it ". He says with his usual demeanor.

"It is , you're gonna enjoy it".

He didn't say anything and let her drive.

She arrived at the park, excitedly walks out, and bring her hand forward to him.

"Where are we little girl?".

"The park, we're going to ride the ferris wheel together" she holds him and tries to move with him , but he stands there not moving, staring at her with his hardened face.

"I am not going to ride any ferris wheel with you, I thought you wanted us to go to a restaurant, or an event or even something good, I thought you were scared of heights,what's this?". He asks baffled.

"It's going to be fun, with you I'm sure.  I'm scared of this stuff, so I figured you'd be very good for this". She tried to convince him.

"So you're using me to overcome your fear. What about your feisty bodyguard. I'm sure she'll be happy to stay with you".

"Um yes and no, I want to do it with you ".


"You're my boyfriend, Tristen

Tristen looks down at her. She holds his waist and comes close to him looking up at him.

"Come on let's go please"

"Jesus fine"
She kisses his cheeks clapping her hands.

"Thank you, thank you" she leads him as the stroll towards the park and came across a magnificent ferris wheel, standing tall.

Andrea eyes face lights up with excitements as she takes the grumpy man beside her and gently tugs him towards the wheel.

Tristen sighs deeply and reluctantly follows her . He didn't want to go but he couldn't resist the attraction of  her eagerness.

They step into the ferris wheel, sounds of laughter and music filled around them.

Andrea notices he was uncomfortable and she gently holds him. " Stick to me okay, you'll be fine" she knew he wasn't good with environments like this .  He nodded and the finally got in to the Ferris wheel getting ready for the ride

Author's note

Twisttttt.. who knew Fuego had a twin... Anyways keeps voting and please follow up ❤️

Xoxo ❤️❤️

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