Chapter 152: The night we met

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"Raphael why don't you show our guest proof".

"Glady boss" . He brings out his phone and shows them the video of  Eloise spilling everything out and transferring documents and data to his device and deleting the ones she had and everything she saved to another device. Of course leaving the part she was blackmailed.

Andrea blinks as she fights tears, she refused to believe Eloise would sell them out, she was sure she has a reason to do so.

"I'm tired of this, let's move to the part  where I get a little revenge, well for now. I gave you appetizers, let's move to the main dish , shall we " he smiles

He pulls out a gun" now Tristen, I was going to kill your mom here, but since your girlfriend is here and alive?, I'm going to let you choose between the both of them, you tell me who to fuck up and the rest would live ".

"You must be fuckin crazy!!!" Tristen grits his teeth, " there's no way I'm choosing ".

"Don't make me choose boy, you don't want to do that, so choose between these beautiful ladies and let's get on with it, I'm in a good mood today, so one person is dying today, the rest can come later, I want to give you enough time to gather Informations about me again, so we would be together like this once more". He giggles.

Tristen heart was torn, how could he make him choose between his first love, someone that birthed him and nurtured him and the only woman he loved deeply , the person that understood him and took all his flaws asides him mom. He loved these two women deeply and couldn't see him himself choosing who Drew would kill.

"Kill me instead " Tristen tells him.

"No! " Both Andrea and Chloe shouts.

"Mtch, you're making my work hard".

"I'm not going to choose between, my mom and my woman, so fuckin kill me".

Drew shrugs his shoulders"okay, at least you're mom is not going to be
only fruitless but childless" he grins

He points the gun at Tristen and  fires, but Chloe was quick to stand in front of him, taking the bullet that was meant for her son instead.

Silence fills the room, Tristen holds his mother with fear as she sees her falling down , overwhelmed with anguish and pain , he falls on his knees beside his wounded mum, holding her stomach, adding pressure to the wound.

Andrea shrieks and cries out rushing to her immediately.

"No mama, mama please" he cries , holding her close to his bossom.

She chokes on her blood, coughing out.

"Pl.. please mama" he cries out like a child, Tears streaming down his smooth face.

"Sh.. shh , it's okay, I'm okay" Chloe despite her own pain , whispers to  him trying to soothe him, assuring him that she was okay, when they both knew the harsh reality, that  she wouldn't make it.

"You'll be okay, please keep your eyes open mama" he pleads .

She holds his hands, coughing"  you.. see this woman next to you?" She motions to Andrea" keep her ... Don't " she coughs once more" Don't loose her" she coughs blood out and Andrea cries more.

"Mama I won't , now don't talk".

"It's ... Okay.. baby I'm fine".

"No!! You're not" he hugs her kissing her forehead crying more" don't leave me mama, please" he begs .

The night we met by Lord Huron plays

"I love you Tristen" His mom tells him.

More tears fall , he kissed her again"  I love you mama"

She caresses his cheeks smiling weakly then began to sing his favorite song when he was little .

"I... had all and then most of you,none of you, "

He recognizes the song and smiles still with tears , he sings along with her " take me back to the night we met, I don't know what I'm supposed to do haunted by the ghost of you, take me back to the night we met" ...

Chloe chuckles weakly, her eyes lids fluttering  " whe..." She coughs " when the .... Ni ..ght...was .. full of ... terror...". She sings as she brings his head closer and giving him a long kiss on his forehead.

"And your eyes filled with tears ,when you had not touched me... Yet....oh take me back to the night we met...." He keeps singing with his mom.

The room filled with the melody of the song his mom used to sing to him each time he cried , he couldn't believe he was singing the same song that made him happy to his dying mother.

As the chorus comes to an end, her voice grows weaker and she could no longer continue. She manages to sing with her last breath." me..back ... To..." She breathes in and out heavily, then she stops her eyes open staring at her only son, with a teardrop falling from her eyes, Mrs Chloe Simons slips away.

"The night we met" Tristen finishes still hugging her, he sees she was no longer singing. He goes to her cupping her cheeks.

"Mama?," he calls but there she was not saying anything, eyes wide open with stained face of blood and tears.

His face changes, " mama?, no mama please" he tugs her but she doesn't respond

"Mama!!!" He cries out hugging her in a rocking position. His cries echoes through the room. Andrea burst out , covering her mouth, she cries profusely.

He kisses her forehead, clutching to her desperately hoping for a miracle.

Drew who made sure she died speaks up " well she made her choice. Now you see what it means to loose someone, " he says with a menacing smile "I'm in a very good mood tonight that's why I'm going to let you go, we've had our main dish, dessert would come later" he smirks and leaves with his men.

Andrea comes to him holding him, he turns to her immediately hugging her tightly and crying like a baby" my mama is gone !, she's gone , she's not coming back " he cries out more, he'l clutches his heart like he was going to have a panic attack. Andrea kisses his forehead crying too hugging him" it's okay , it'll be okay" she cries more.

Fuego comes in immediately, he got the message late . He comes and sees Andrea hugging Tristen, he sees Tristen crying uncontrollably. Then he  sees Chloe, the woman who was like his second mom on the floor, lifeless.

His breaths becomes heavy "he kneels down beside her, with a shaky and trembling hands he closed her eyes, with tears falling down from his eyes".

Thunder rumbles and heavy rain begins falling, Tristen was guided to the car, he couldn't speak or talk. He kept reminiscing what happened. That night was the worst night of his life, seeing his mother die in his arms.

Author's note

Godd I'm crying..
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Xoxo ❤️ ❤️

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