Chapter 41: The call

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"Nuel please give me the records for yesterday's work"  Mrs Chole ( Tristen's mom )yelled from her office.

"Yes ma'am" Nuel brought the tab and presented it to her.

She went through the records, cross checked everything and was satisfied with what she saw .

"Alright, make sure you keep an eye on the goods being shipped, if there seems to be any difficulty, tell me okay?".

"You got it ma'am".

"I'll be right back , I need too...." A call interrupted her , she checked and it was a private number.

She picked the call and waited .

"Hello love" a familiar voice spoke through the phone and she knew exactly who that was .

Her body froze as she heard the voice, so many thoughts began running through her mind.

"Drew" she said the name she had been dreading for so long, she always knew he would eventually come out but this call was unexpected.

"I missed you so much , Chloe ".

"What do you want Drew ".

"Nah tsk tsk tsk , now that's not a way to welcome someone who has been in jail for 8 years now is it sweetheart?, I hope you missed me cause I missed you , and my son".

Mrs Chole was trembling as she tried to keep her composure, this man on the phone speaking to her ruined her life, he was the main reason she couldn't bear children again , and she knew clearly he would do anything to get back at her for the pain he went through.

"Don't you dare call him your son, you wretched ass hole".

"Mmm, someone's getting abusive, I like where this is going".

"What the hell do you want ". She flared . " How did you find me".

"That's not the issue love , you see I have my ways of finding you , that shouldn't be an issue".

"Then what do you want Drew, why are you back here".

"It's simple, Revenge!!, I want you to go through the same pain I went through , the embarrassment that I went through, but don't you worry I'll have my fun with you first before I'll show you what I faced ".

"I'll kill you if your filthy fingers come anywhere close to me or my son".

Drew let out a loud laughter," hold up, you Chloe kill me?". " You don't get to threaten me love".

"Then leave me the hell alone, don't ever call this line again you piece of trash, you're a huge failure, and you have failed as a father, when Tristen needed you most, you turned against him , because he had an issue with his speech ".

"You gave birth to a failure , I didn't, you think that was good for my name, my company, having something that can't speak without hitting an object, you think I fucking want that?".

Tears ran down her cheeks ,they were tears of pain and anger, she remembered what she went through because of him, how abusive he  was and she felt like putting a bullet in his head.

"And you both tried to kill me, you ran from me , divorced me and put me in jail. You know what it's like in there?" He chuckled and continued" I bet you don't and trust me, I made enough friends in there , intelligent criminals so don't you ever think for a day that you or Tristen would escape me because you won't , I'll make sure you all suffer dearly before I kill you all".

"Why are you doing this drew". She said shakily.

"This is just a headstart, it's just the beginning. I wanted to make sure you are okay, and you are, so enjoy this life while it last because very soon , you would be hiding like a criminal from me . Good day darling and send my regards to my son , I'll do well to call him, I miss him" he let out a laugh and disconnected the line.

She slowly sat down on one of the sofas , as tears rushed down her cheeks. Nuel who was observing everything, came to her.

"Who was that ma'am ".

She didn't speak , she just stared at him, tears releasing themselves.

"Who is that asshole ma'am talk to me" he waited for an answer when he didn't get one , he took her phone and dialed the number ,it didn't go through seeing it was private.

"Take me to my son Nuel".

"Are you okay , what's going on, tell me please".

" Please Nuel take me to him now , I need to make sure he's okay".

"Okay okay I will , first off you need to calm down" he  brought a glass of water and handed it to her .

" You are terrified, right now, I need you to calm down,and drink this it'll help you , after that I'll take you to meet your son ".

Chloe nodded. She slowly took the glass and gulped it immediately. She inhaled and exhaled until she was calm .

Nuel  took the glass from her, then gently led her  to the vehicle, and drove straight to Tristen's office.

Author's note

Okayyyy, Drew's in the picture, can't imagine what Chloe's going through right now.  Keep voting babies

Xoxo ❤️❤️

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