Chapter 92 : Punishment

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Mature contents, not suitable for young readers.

Tristen takes her to his room, and straight to his bathroom. Still holding her like a child, he sets a warm bath for her.

He puts her down not saying anything and slowly pulls her clothes, till she was left with her underwear.

She was expecting him to do something but he doesn't, he guides her towards the tub and lays her there.

The truth was that he reminisced what she said to him about breaking up and he felt a lump in his throat.

He couldn't imagine, her doing that.

He caressed her hair and then finally speaks" Don't talk about breaking up again".

He says and goes into his cubicle, take his clothes off and showers quietly , while she kept quiet and stared at his silhouette.

She washes herself and comes out minutes later with a robe , drying her hair.

Then he comes out with a towel around his waist, steam coming out of his body making him look gorgeous and hot.

They both did their stuff in silence . Then she goes to him

"Do you want me to dry your hair?" She asks hoping he'd say yes.

He looks at her with his darkened eyes.

He comes closer to her ,holds her by waist and inhales her sweet scent while she closed her eyes swallowing hard.

"Don't bring that topic up again". He was referring to the break up topic he couldn't get out of his head

she manages to speak " and if I do?".

He strokes her lips , biting his" I don't know what I'll do. I don't know what's happening to me okay, but I don't want to hear it please".

She tries to touch him but he lifts her and places her to the bed and gently gives  long and wet kisses on her lips before moving down to her neck , sucking her with all the need he had.

His hard member was already throbbing, begging for release.

He kisses her all the way down to her chest close to her peaks. He looks at her as if asking for permission and she nods .

He slowly pulls her robe down a little exposing her milky  peaks.

He groans as he slowly, put his warm mouth on her nipple and she moans.

He sensually  sucks on her, flickering his long tongue on her nipple while she archs her back. His other hands finds it way down to her wet pussy .

He gives each peaks attention and he slowly met with her wet pussy and touched her there slowly and she moaned his name loudly.

His dick twitched badly and he groaned.

He moved his hands in circular movements, groaning as he felt how wet she was for him.

"Tristen please" he begged , she didn't know why she did. It was like telling him she wanted more .

"Tell me , you won't say those words again" . He says huskily

He doesn't say anything, she nods and moans .

"He whispers in her ears "I want to hear you say it Andrea ". He says as he moves down to her neck sucking it.

"I won't " she says breathlessly and he goes to her lips and bites it sensually still working his magic on her down there .

He goes back to her twin peaks and gives it a soft bite letting it linger before sucking her and she moans loudly begging him.

When he knew , she was close, he slowly removes his hands from her pussy and sniffs it.

She looked at him surprised and hurt .

He smirks at her " that's your punishment baby girl" he says as he sniffs his finger , closing his eyes.

She looks down and saw his hard dick " you look like you clearly need a hand". She says looking towards his hard member.

He chuckles " he knows how to deal with him self " he says as he covered her body" get dressed, you get cold and fall ill".

He kisses her head and goes back into the bathroom to relieve himself.

She immediately took her things and left, promising herself to get back at him. She wasn't annoyed anymore but knew the perfect way to get back at him and make him submit.

Author's note

Woowww.. I'd kill Tristen if I were to be Drea.. lolzzzz.. anyway vote still guys

Xoxo ❤️❤️

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