Chapter 13: First Day

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Author's pov

Andrea woke up early as she didn't want to be late ,it was her first day at work so she wanted a good impression of herself.

She made breakfast for Elosie and her self and was ready to leave.

"Why are you up so early Drea" Elosie said as she came still wearing her nightie , took a bread toast and ate .

" Don't you have to go to work" I think you'll be late. Andrea said as she was putting her shoes on ready to leave.

"Work starts by 9 it's still 7:50 , so I have enough time to prepare. And by the way I'll be leaving tonight. Your place is far from my workplace"

"That's the more reason you should be early to work.  I'll be  back home by 6 or 7 so I'll help you pack " .

"Whatever ,have a nice day at work Drea " she said as she kissed her cheeks.

"Bye El " Andrea said as she got out of her apartment, entered the car and drove off.

Eloise ate the remaining breakfast , cleaned up and prepared for work.

When Andrea got into the building, it was  already 8: 05  she was surprised as to how most people were early to work, and she remembered the words of her boss and that alone gave her the explanation she needed.

She showed the receptionist her work ID , although the receptionist was so surprised as how a girl she just saw yesterday was able to work here let her in seeing her work ID.

As she was walking towards the elevator,she saw the elevator was closing already and she knew someone was in there , so she hurried

" Hold it please  " she said as she ran towards the elevator.

The door closed on her and she hit the door " rudeeeee" she was annoyed as she knew the person in there had the opportunity to hold the elevator but didn't.

The door opened and she met Tristen eyes . He saw someone running to him it was too late to hold the door but he managed to hold the elevator button and he saw Andrea .

"Mr Angel"  she said as she was surprised,

"Are you coming in?" He asked as he was holding the button.

She hurried in and the door closed .

"Rude huh" Tristen asked as he looked down at her.

"Huh?" Oh no I'm sorry,I actually thought you didn't want to hold the elevator but I was wrong so thank you" Andrea smiled at him.

"You are early, " Tristen smirked at her .

"Um yha, I mean it's my first day at work and I didn't want to be late and you are pretty stern about being so early ".

"Mm I am"  he said as he came close to her  and twirled her hair around his long index finger.

Andrea was surprised as she didn't know how to react so she waited to see.

The smell of his cologne was  so intoxicating and for some reason she loved it as she closed her eyes inhaling her new favorite smell .

He bent down and smelt her hair " mm Strawberry" he was beginning to like her shampoo. He romoved a piece of clothing that was on her hair and went back .

"Did you put this on your hair?" He said as he showed the piece  of clothing to her

"Oh yha I hiccupped so I did that and forgot to get it off when it was over".


" I didn't have a bottle of water with me and I decided to do it and it worked", she said as she took the piece from him.

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