Chapter 32: Crazy

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Author's pov

It was the weekend so Andrea stayed home with Eloise , they spent some time together and did somethings to lighten Andrea's mode before she noticed she was coming up with a cold due to the cold weather .

"I think I'm gonna get sick, can you put the air con to a lower degree please?" She said as she sniffed.

"Girl you were just alright like hours ago what's up?".

"I'm coming up with a cold , I know my system and if I don't get some drugs I'll get sick sick".

"Fine I'll go get drugs for you then" she left to Andrea's bedroom and searched but she couldn't find drugs so she yelled from her room.

"It looks like your outta pills here Drea".

Drea walked to where she was and searched ." Shit I must have forgotten to get some from the drug stores ".

"Ughhhhh fine I'll go get them , just stay here and don't move okay I'll be back, I'm taking your car", she proceeded to go before Andrea's door bell ran, she turned to Andrea " are you expecting someone?".

"No, please go check it and tell whoever it is I'm not feeling well please".

"Okay sure , " Eloise wore something better and went to attend to who was at the door.

She opened it and met with a devilishly handsome young man.

Tristen was expecting to see Andrea but he saw another woman , he narrowed his eyes at her before he spoke.

"Where  is Andrea?". Eloise got back to reality and asked him.

"Who are you? ,Why are you looking for her".

"I'm her boss, I want to talk to her".

Eloise realized it was Tristen and looked at him with disgust, she didn't care how handsome or hot he looked, he hurt her friend and she was not okay with that and she got the opportunity to talk to him.

"Oh it's you making Drea's life a living hell right?".

Tristen squinting his eyes trying to know if she was really talking to him asked her " Excuse me?".

" There's nothing Andrea hasn't done to make you happy but you end up reprimanding her , you know how down she had been ever since you scolded her ? Even injured her and yet she refused to let me see you but it seems fate wanted us to cross path, and you think the promotion you gave  her would make her forget the pain you caused her? I would have never allowed Drea to give her self up to someone she doesn't even have a crush on talk more of loving but she didn't tell me but did it to save from dying, she the perfect definition of an Angel and you come into her life to mess it up for her. "

Tristen was surprised no one expect Andrea had the guts to speak to him in this way and yet again he had met her and surprisingly he couldn't do anything about it, he just continued listening to her.

"I know exactly who you are , and I don't care , I want to make one thing clear , Andrea is not a fucking slut, she  honestly doesn't care about people like you , she just wants to live her life and be happy so don't take her like one of those whores you carry or sluts that beg you, cause she won't at all trust me".

Tristen finally spoke " Are you done?  I want to see her now".

"Andrea's not in the mood for visitors especially someone like you so please leave ".

"Eloise who are you talking to I need the pills it's getting worse" Drea said said she sniffed approaching the door

She saw Tristen and Eloise together and was shocked. She slowly approached them.

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