Chapter 67: Boutique

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Tristen tried calling Andrea to inform her to meet him , so they would leave but she wasn't picking up, he tired once more and she didn't pick her call.

He got alarmed and left his office hurriedly and came to her office. He knocked but there was no reply, so he went in immediately.

"Andrea wh....." He stopped immediately and his face softened , he came towards her and found her sleeping calmy on her desk.

He found traces of tears by the corners of her eyes . He wondered if she had been crying since then her lunch break.

He sat in front of her , lowered his head on her desk and stared at her. He unknowingly trailed his hands on her face and studied her face like she was a puzzle.

His heart began racing for some reason. He tried to figure out what exactly it was he felt for this woman sleeping and snoring calmy close to him.

Andrea felt someone graze her face so she moaned softly fluttering her eyelids before opening her eyes slowly, she saw the handsome man in front of her and thought it was a dream so she stayed the same position he was and leaned her hands forward and touched his cheeks , then closed her eyes again.

Then she furrowed her brows and widened her eyes immediately, when she knew she wasn't dreaming at all . She moved back immediately with Tristen smirking at her.

"You've been dreaming about me?"

"What... What are you doing here?".

"I've been calling your line, I didn't see the documents you wanted me to go through and now I find you here sleeping on them".

She looked at her desk and realized she was really sleeping on her documents and she flushed in embarrassment.

She cursed inwardly " I'm sorry, I didn't mean to".

"Were you crying before you slept?".

"Huh, no no I wasn't" she denied.

"Because I can see traces of tears on your face little girl".

She touched her face and cleaned it even though she didn't feel anything.

"Why were you crying?".

"Nothing, I was emotional that's all, it happens to women, heh"

"We have a meeting to attend to , remember?".

"Oh yha of course, let me go through the remaining documents then I'll..."

"No need , do it tomorrow, we leave now, get your things, I'm waiting "

She nodded and began packing her things. Soon she was done and they both left.

"We'll use my car, Fuego would take yours home"

"Okay, he's not coming with us?".

"No, it's just us" .

She nodded and followed him . They got into the car and he drove straight to the boutique.

She recognized it was the boutique she was taken to ,when she was about to meet the man she was with in the car.

They got in and he sat down. Everyone stopped what they were doing and slowly bowed their heads.

Some women adjusted themselves. Some for fear they were doing something wrong, some to entice him.

A woman quickly approached him bowing her head " do you need anything sir, it's been long you came".

"Get her dressed Maria".

She looked at Andrea who stared at her trying to remember her. Then she remembered who she was and smiled sweetly.

"It's so good to see you again" .

Maria recognized her after some seconds and smiled back at her " I remember you, the shy woman ".

Andrea hugged her " how are you , it's so good to see you".

Tristen simply stared at these two women talk each other like they've known each other for a long time

"Same here , please follow me" she smiled as she tried to lead her to the dressing room but Tristen held Andrea back.

"How do you know Maria"  he said as he tried to place her necklace pendant properly.

"The night I first met you, I came here to choose an outfit".

He nodded and motioned her to go.

She followed her Maria, and she brought out different outfits for her to try on .

"You must be really, special ". Maria said as she helped her try on her clothes.

"And why's that?".

"He has never brought a woman here, Fuego's the one bringing them".

"Oh I see" she gave a quick smile .

"Okay so how about this" she turned her to the mirror.

Andrea looked at the gown, it was silver short fitted gown, that was backless with pearls at her back.

"Um , too much glamour" .

Maria chuckled " yha I think so" .

Andrea tried outfits, and didn't find any comfortable for her. It was either they were tight or too short.

"I think, we have to see what he says". Maria said to her.

" Who?".

"Big boss".

Andrea knew it was Tristen she was referring to. She nodded and they both left the dressing room.

She wore a long red , fitted gown ,with slits all the way to her thighs. Her cleavages looked like they were begging for release as they were clearly seen. Her curves were beautified more as they worshipped her body.

She walked slowly out of the dressing room and came in front of Tristen and stared at him with her big sexy eyes.

He was typing on his phone when he saw someone stand in front of him. He rose his head up and saw Andrea's eyes piercing his.

He gulped hard as he looked at her from her head back to her toe. He clearly saw her neat thigh and was super enticed.

"Um Big Boss, we have been trying out some outfits and she seems not to be interested in anyone. She said it was a business meeting, so I wanted to know your opinion". Maria complained.

He stood up and came in front of her, not saying anything. So many things he imagined with her in this dress .

He looked at her creamy cleavages and his Adam's apple bobbled up and down.

"What's wrong with this Andrea" he touched the ends of her hair. He tried not to touch her but he couldn't help himself, touching her hair was less punishable than not touching her at all.

"It's too open" she mouthed these words.

"It's actually..." Then he stopped as he saw a man feasting his eyes on her. His face hardened as he spoke to him.

"Did you loose something?, " He asked him with fury in his voice.

He got intimidated and bowed his head in fear " I'm sorry," he replied and left.

He looked back at Andrea, who was trying not to smile .

"It's too open, get her another".

Maria nodded and took her to the dressing room, for her to try out the last outfit chosen for her.

Author's note

Okayyyyyyyyyy.... Ughh I want Andrea's life.... Lol I hope you loved this chapter.. please do vote.

Xoxo ❤️❤️

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