Chapter 126: Unbelievable

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"Call me , as soon as you land okay ?" Andrea tells her dad as she kisses his cheeks. Her parents were leaving for Canada , after they made sure, she was strong.

"I will baby, I love you".

"I love you papa" she smiles, getting a little emotional.

She turns to her mom and hugs her too , kissing her.

"Think about what I told you , will you?" Her mom asks her.

"I will, you'll go on then".

"Take care of her Eloise" her father chips in.

"Always sir, have a safe flight" she smiles and they both leaves them.

Eloise and Andrea turns and begins walking towards their car. Eloise gets in and starts the engine driving off .

She engages her in a conversation.
"So when are you leaving for Tristen's place, I'm sure your noona misses you".

Andrea looks at her with the look of "I'm not dumb, I know what you mean"

Elosie understanding replies " ughhh, come on , in as much as he did you dirty like dirty, I know the effort he put in to show how sorry he is  and he loves you more than life itself."

Andrea keeps quiet, just staring at the road.

"Drea, say something "

"What do you want me to say El, to tell you I have forgiven and forgotten everything?, you can't expect me to forget those words that hurt me so much, I mean I'm grateful to him for saving and calling me out from the dead heh, but I don't know , each time I see him I remember those words and they hurt me".

"You love him still, right?".

Andrea stares at her , sighing" I don't know what I feel right now, I'm attracted to him , that I can't deny but I don't know if I love him . Maybe I do?" She asks her .

"No Andrea you love him".

"When did you get to be his fan all of a sudden, he was the reason I was taken "

"And he was the reason, you're back ". She replies her and Drea says nothing " look, Tristen loves you Andrea and the only reason you listened to him was because you love him too".

"You don't know that Elosie" .

"Oh I don't?, well because he told me he loved you and wouldn't survive if something happens to you. You needed to see him back at the hospital Andrea, he couldn't eat, shave, nothing. He refused to leave the hospital even when I left to get my clothes changed. Fuego was always the one getting attires for him. That was the first time I saw him cry like a baby. He loves you sweetie and until you stay with him, you won't realize. "

Her eyes softens , then goes back to normal"I'll think about it".

Eloise smiles holding her " it'll be worth it, trust me ".

Andrea gives a quick nod . They both go back in silence until Eloise spoke up after some minutes.

"Fuego has a twin" she informs her and Drea looks at her perplexed and she continues.

"Mhm, I was shocked as you are . He's a Mafia boss. He helped with your rescue. I didn't get to meet him properly. Fuego wouldn't even want me to meet him".


"I don't know, prodigal son story shit. Seems there's more to Bodyguard Fuego and Big Bad Boss Tristen, than meet the eye ". She smirks.

"And you're calm with all of that?".

"I'm not , I only knew when you were abducted, but I don't blame him in a way, we weren't dating for so long for him to spill immediately. ".

"Wow, so much for wanting bad boys huh?, now we are paying for all of that" she says as she smiles bitterly.

"People who are ready to die protecting you. I'm sure he didn't want this life ". She was referring to Tristen.

" I just want this nightmare to be over Eloise. "

" Hold on a little bit sweetie, we'll be fine".

"Drew must be cooking something worse because I'm sure he knows Dan's dead and he knows Tristen killed him"

"Yes because he touched you, I'll do the same without thinking twice ".

"I still can't believe Tristen killed someone ".

Eloise scoffs" I can't believe you, Drew killed you , he fucking shot you . Dan almost fuckin raped you and you are looking at what Tristen did to save you. You're becoming unbelievable Drea , honestly ". She says, anger slightly shown in her voice.

Andrea realises what she said made sense, she sighs softly" I'm sorry, I just.... I just didn't want this ".

"Dan tried to hurt you, at most kill you, he deserved more than death. He deserves to rot in hell . Don't you get Drea, Tristen killed for you. That guy loves you with everything in his body".

"Fine I'll go back to his mansion " Andrea surrenders.

Eloise smiles and continues driving.

Author's note

Andrea should be thankful fr....
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Xoxo ❤️❤️

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