Chapter 183: New week, New me

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It took a week more for Andrea to get herself together and begin work. She walks elegantly with her heels, putting on a silk black fitted gown, her hair shorter than usual,it was straightened , her red cherry lipstick on her plump lips, her eyes big and seductive as ever. As she trails towards her office, all eyes were glued on her like she was a different human being drawn out of a  planet sorely different from there's, her seductive scent trails through everyone's noses as she walks through them, her skin brighter and smoother than before.

She decided within herself to look the opposite of what people would expect her to look like hearing the story of what happened, she promised herself she was done being the victim and she wasn't going to let Lisa win at all cost because she knew that was her main aim, to break her and see her  worthless and mediocre but she wasn't going to let that happen. She walks with power and a sense of authority towards her, making even Jenna and Jeremy think twice to approach her, her usual smile was no longer plastered on her face, her face was beautifully straight as ever, bringing out the aura that even men was scared off.

Lucinda dared not approach her knowing her position was higher than hers, she stares at her in awe, she had never seen this version of her before, she saw someone she could easily intimidate and threaten, but this woman walking past her was so different.

She walks into the elevator and sees Fuego there, he looked surprised seeing her in that manner, he knew she had changed. She gets in and gives him a quick smile and remains calm. He felt somewhat bad because the Andrea he knew, would greet him good morning, ask him how his night was , comment on his look and disturb him until he wished to leave the elevator.

"Decided to resume I see" he tells her looking forward.

"Needed to show my face more as I'm his personal assistant, staying at home wouldn't be advisable" she replies back looking forward as well.

"Well you look different".

"New week, new me" .she replies coldly .

"Okay, let's cut this formality okay, we need to talk, you can't be cold to me?".

"And why's that?,you said friends don't tell lies to each other but you lied straight to my face, you guys are my best friends and don't you think it hurts?, you knew about this way longer than Eloise did but you still said nothing ".

"I couldn't possibly be like heyy!!, your man is keeping something away from you??, it's bro code and you know that and besides I wasn't in any position to tell you, I had no right ".

"Okay then" she tells him

He groans " okay I'm sorry, I'm sorry you know I'm not good at apologies, but I'm here apologizing. I hate this new you towards me, I want you to keep disturbing and pestering me all the time okay. I don't want this ." Fuego blurts out.

The elevator door opens and she turns to him"we'll talk later ". She tells him and leaves.

"Does he know you're at work?". He asks

"He'll know now" she tells him and strodes towards his door.

Andrea knocks curtly at Tristen door, inwardly she was feeling nervous to see his face after three weeks but she shrugs it off .

"Get the hell out!!!" His voice sounds from inside and Andrea thought she was been referred to but Fuego breaks her thought from that.

"Don't worry, it should be a slight mistake someone must have made".

She gulps and nods, then Fuego moves in front of her and speaks up" Tristen, it's Fuego".

"Leave I'm in no mood right now!!" Tristen voice sounds rudely.

Fuego shakes his head, tired of his shit, and opens the door against his will, with Andrea following him, while the staff rushes outside in fear.

Tristen's face was as cold, stern and serious as he sees Fuego comes inside. He was pissed at him for defying him, he stands to yell at him.

"I told you to leave why don't you......" His face softens seeing Andrea standing beside Fuego, his tall body obstructed her so he couldn't see her.

Author's note

So they've set eyes on each other after three weeks.

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Xoxo ❤️ ❤️

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