Chapter 151: Family time

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The room falls into heavy silence , Tristen eyes was filled with shock, his heart began pounding rapidly , his mind tries to process what he just heard from the dreadful man sitting in front of him.

His face turns pale and his hands trembled seriously, he squints his eyes trying to get what ever he said and he struggles with the right word to respond to him.

Chloe was in shock and disbelief, the man who loved her selflessly was killed by her dreadful ex-husband. Tears well up in her eyes as she was in utter shock and confusion.

"Why?" Chloe's voice comes out as a whispers a tears released themselves from her eyes.

"He wassss a pain in the fuckin ass!!!!" Drew replied, eyes wide open ." A pain in my ass, I had just come out of prison, and he knew so many things to bring me down again, and I ... I just couldn't let that happen, so I made his brakes faulty, and made him crash , but the asshole won't die, I had to give him a slow and painless death" Drew says this last words slowly and he laughs.

Tristen feels a surge of emotions making it impossible to breath of think clearly, his vision were already blurred with tears, his fists clenches and his jaw tightens as he locks killing gazes with Drew.

"I arrived at the accident scene before everyone else, I saw him choking on his own blood and begging for his life. So you know what I did?" He chuckles like a maniac " I covered his fuckin nostrils and mouth so he won't breathe , of course he wasn't strong enough to fight against me so he just had to breath his last, I didn't know the dick had already transferred everything to you, yunno you should thank him for being a smart man. God that man knew so much about me I just couldn't let him live".

"You fucking pig!!!!!!" Tristen clamours as he shouts , rushing to Drew , he gives his a very hard punch causing him to bleed.

He feels a strong grip on his arms as Drew's men pulls him out immediately, and one of gives him a hard punch for hitting their boss. Tristen still struggles against the hold, not caring if he had been injured, all he wanted to do was the squeeze life out of Drew.

"You killed my dad!!??, you fuckin killed my papa!!!, " he shouts as hot tears running down from his red eyes " I'll fuckin kill you Drew!!!, I'll make sure to end your life miserably!!!! " He shouts in fury and rage.

Drew laughs menacingly, spitting blood out of his mouth " kill me?" He laughs loudly once more.

Chloe was shattered and heartbroken, she wished she could die, this man almost raped her, rendered her childless and killed the only man that made her happy and he still had his way with her, it was too much for her she wanted to end it all.

Andrea hearing this confessions, closed her mouth to stifle sobs , tears were flowing down as she listened to what Drew had caused Tristen. Unfortunately for her, one of Drew's men sees her and takes her forcefully to meet Drew, with her struggling to break free.

Tristen eyes holds fear and horror as he sees how his little girl was pulled roughly by Drew's men.

"Andrea " he tells her looking at her with fear while she sobs.

A mischievous smirk plays on Drew's lips" well, what do we have here" .. he laughs" this family time couldn't get any better,  how are you alive sweetheart mm?" . He asks her as they force her to sit beside Tristen.

Tristen immediately holds her close to him" what are you doing?!!, I fuckin told you not to come, why did you follow me Andrea? .

She sobs " you think I was going to leave you alone?," she smiles " if you're dying, then I'm dying with you". She replies sternly.

"Awnn lovebirds, it sickens me. " He turns to Tristen " you kill my son, and somehow your girlfriend here gets to stay alive?, I must really commend you, you all outsmarted me , keeping her news of being alive from me," He scoffs

"If you try to get rid of us Drew? You're probably wasting your time, because we have evidence against you so if you kill us now, you would definitely be exposed" Andrea says sure of herself.

Drew throws his head back laughing" wait a second, who do you think will expose me, Your best friend Elosie?, well let me break it down to you love, she sold you out. Right now , you have no single evidence, not even the tiniest bit. She told me all your plan so that's why I'm here".

Andrea shudders as she stutters " that's... That's not true".

Author's note

We're getting there... Keep voting...

Xoxo ❤️ ❤️

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