Chapter 112: Sane

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Andrea's opens slowly, she looks around the dimly lit room . She groans , sitting up trying to remember what happened.

She soon realizes the danger she was in , when she remembers how she was abducted, then she begins trembling in fear, she tries to free herself but she was cuffed making it difficult for her to move .

She tries not to make a sound as she continues struggling stubbornly, praying for another miracle. She sobs quietly as she tries freeing herself.

All she could think of was her parents at this point . She prayed they didn't know what situation she was in. In as much as she wanted to be rescued?, She feared her parents's health .

"Tristen" she whimpers sadly , sobbing at the same time.

"I'm afraid, he's not going to save you sweetheart"  a voice echoes
She squints her eyes trying to see the person through the dimly room but she just sees a silhouette, she finds his voice familiar but didn't  bother thinking about where she heard the voice from.

"Please let me go , please" she sobs , she had never been in this situation before so it terrified and traumatized her.

"Pretty little thing, now I see why he chose you, so fuckin pretty. You're so lucky it's not my boss's order to take you right here , right now". He says menacingly.

"Who's your boss ?"

"You're in no fucking position to ask me that, keep your fuckin mouth shut , I'm sure your damn boyfriend is looking for you. We got him right where we want him to be. You're his damn weakness. Don't worry he'll be here any time soon to save you. Pray he leaves here alive  " he chuckles " well I'll  rather die than let that happen, fucking asshole". He says and he leaves.

"No" she whispers as she bends downs choking on her tears .


Tristen comes back, looking all messed up and drained . His hair was no longer swept back . It was replaced with a unpleasant messy look, with eye bags

Not having Andrea around, or his mom reprimanding him was torture and he was already a shadow of himself within 24 hours, he needed Andrea . She could keep him sane.

He gets in ready to meet with Diego when he sees Eloise with Fuego.

She turns around noticing his presence, with her lips pressed together she went to him and hits him, pushing him and cursing with hot tears  rolling down her face.

He let her do what she wanted, looking at her with no emotions attached to his face, he was already used to the hatred so this wasn't a new thing to him.

" You damn asshole, how can you fuckin call my friend names huh, that girl loves you with ever ounce of her being and you decide to do this to her" she says as she sobs , getting tired of hitting on his hard chest.

"Eloise, I'll get her back I swear to you" he says as his eyes begins to water . Hearing her saying how much she loved him from not just his mom but everyone, pierced his heart.

"You better get her back unharmed, nothing should happen to her else I'll fuckin end you".

"I love her so damn much, I'll rather die than let anything happen to her ".

Eloise cleans hed tears , and left his house still raged .

"Eloise hold on" Fuego calls to her but she kept moving, not turning around or saying anything. She began thinking of ways to help .

"Fuck, you're fast" he says as runs up to her , he tries to hold her arm but she gets out of his grip.

"Wait please" he pleads.

"Leave me alone Fuego, I need to think of ways to get her back" she says and continues moving.

He gets to her once more, holds her and embraces her , while she breaks down completely. Surrendering and cry uncontrollably.

"She doesn't deserve this Fuego, she's a very sweet soul, she doesn't deserve what's happening to her . She's scared and calling for help right now and I can't do anything, or think of something to help her".

"I know I know" he says soothing her slowly, he closes his eyes and breaths deeply. Eloise was right, Andrea didn't deserve what was happening to her.

She looks up" we need to find her, we need to find a way to get her back".

"Shhhh" Fuego kisses her forehead and looks at her tenderly " you would go home , have a good shower, sleep and do nothing. Just wait okay".

She leaves his grip , looking at him in disbelief " wait?, My Best friend is scared to death somewhere and you just want me to wait??, You really think that's going to happen?".

He scratches the back of his hair before coming close to her ,still speaking calmy. " Tristen's Father is behind  all these ,and he's a dangerous man, if he finds out you're trying to get her back, he won't think twice before he ends you , even before he tries to hurt Andrea, he hates people getting in his way , so please my love for the love of God , I just need you to be safe for me mm?" He says and kisses her lips softly.

"What do you want to do Fuego?".

"Don't bother , we're on it ".

"Who is on it, you can't expect me to stay home and do nothing while you guys shut me out of everything you all are planning, it's my best friend and I have the right to know".


"I'll do it my way if you don't tell me".

"Fuck fine" he sighs before he begins" we are meeting with my brother today, and he has enough gadgets to help her out, I'm sure Tristen's father would call so we'll be able to locate her ".

Eloise tries to process all these " you have a brother, and I don't about it?".

"Yes Eloise , I have a Mafia twin brother he's name is Diego , I didn't want to bring him up because I knew you'd react this way. I'll tell you about everything later but right now you need to go home. We're meeting with him ".

"You're a twin?" She says shocked

He kisses her again ,he let it linger for a while before he parts his lips" I'll tell you everything I promise ". He says and leads her to a car. She kepts quiet still dumfounded, enters into the car . Then she looks up" call me when you meet him ".

He nods and taps the car and it leaves.

He sighs pinching the skin between his brows, before he goes inside.

Author's note

Okayyy we're coming for Andrea.... I hope she'll be safe. Vote and share

Xoxo ❤️❤️

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