Chapter 19: Feisty

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Author's pov

The next day , Fuego got ready for his meeting earlier as he wasn't someone that was always late, he had some things to do with his time.

He had his breakfast and went down immediately, to the scheduled place for the meeting.

The meeting was to be scheduled by 9 and he was already settled few minutes to 9.

Soon enough Nick came and they exchanged pleasantries.

"Can we begin now Nick"

"I'm afraid we have to wait for the other representative to join us as this decision concerns their company as well"

"It's clear they are late so can we begin,you can tell them whatever decision we made".

"I'm sorry Fuego , but that was not part of the meeting, we can't just make decisions for a company that is not ours".

"Then call the person, they are late  I don't have all the time ". He said agitated.

Nick nodded and dialed a number.

Elosie received a call and she groggily answered the call.

"Please where are you, we are waiting for you to be present here, or can't you make it".

Eloise was trying to get what the man said when she remembered she had a meeting to attend to.

"Ohhhh shittttt I'm on my way right now give me 10 minutes, I'm stuck on traffic"

Nick knew she was lying looking at her voice but he had to play along.

"We'll be waiting miss".

Elosie cut the call and hurriedly went out of her bed, she had over slept due to the nice weather .

She had a hot shower and got out immediately. She wore a white t_shirt with a black skirt to match and a black heel.

She didn't have time to eat breakfast so she hurriedly called a cab that took her to the place of meeting luckily there was no traffic.

She arrived there and saw Nick facing her with a young man backing her.

"I didn't know I wasn't the only one".

She hurriedly got to their table and apologized.

"I'm sorry I'm late I lost track of time".

Fuego spoke "well set your alarm before you sleep off "  he was pissed "women are always late to important functions".

"Excuse me?" Eloise said as she approached the guy backing her .

Fuego turned and saw Eloise.

"Sassy ?"

"What in the world are you doing here "

"Do you both know each other?"

"It's a long story Nick, but yha I do know this sassy ass woman right here " Fuego smirked looking at her.

"Don't tell me this rude ass man is our associate?"

"I'm afraid he is " Nick spoke.

"Surpriseee" Fuego said to her smiling.

"Please have a sit , I'd like you two to put your differences aside so we can make suggestions as these suggestions would benefit our companies".

Eloise sat down close to Fuego but shifted so she won't have any kind of contact with him.

And they started with the meeting.

It was during the meeting she found out that Fuego was from Don Simons, the same company Andrea was working at.

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