Chapter 158: Coffee shop

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"He hasn't answered or returned any phone calls of mine". Eloise says bitterly as she sips her coffee.

Andrea caresses her back, soothing her gently " give him time El, he's still dealing with her demise. She was the only family he had , so it's gonna be hard for him to move on".

"I told her the same thing" Fuego chips in ." I mean I tried speaking to him but he wouldn't listen to me".

"Same here. It's like he changed ever since Chloe died. He's now distant than ever. Comes back home a little tipsy at times and he's back to his gruffy nature and it's worse this time around".

"Classic Tristen". Diego says as he smirks looking at them at the coffee shop with hands in his pockets.

They all turned at his voice, with Eloise rolling her eyes.

He sits down smiling " did I ever tell you how good your girlfriend looks when she rolls her eyes, Fuego?".

"What are you doing here?" Fuego asks with a straight face.

"Coffee. Or does Tristen own this coffee shop?, cause it literally looks like he owns buildings in New York". He takes a bite of Fuego's croissant smiling at them.

Fuego huffs.

"So what am I missing Jesus jnr?" He refers to Andrea.

"None of your business" Eloise replies sharply and he chuckles and whispers to his twin " I like her" .

"Cut it off Diego" Fuego warns.

"Tristen doesn't want to see Eloise. He still thinks part of what caused Chloe's death is Eloise spitting everything she knows out".

"Oh " Diego Snickers" that I heard off, well it's gonna be hard. I'm sure you know how much he adored his mom. Much more than he adores Jesus jnr here" he smiles at Andrea and she gives him a fake smile .

"Well my point is, you're gonna try harder than just calling and apologizing ".

"Do I give him flowers?, or a car?, or a ring ,or a Rolex?? I mean everyone in my position would have done the exact thing I did including him because seeing how much he loved her ?, it won't even take him anything to take a soul just to make sure his mom lives" . Eloise says annoyed.

Diego shrugs his shoulders "well then, stay away . You don't wanna get a restraining order".

"Can't you just be nice Diego? He wouldn't do that. " Andrea defends Eloise.

"Well I have work to do so?, call me when you have serious stuff to talk about like how we'll kill that bastard, Au revoir " he says and leaves.

"Ugh he's such a dick" Eloise complains.

"Don't let him get to you sweetheart " Fuego says and kisses her knuckles.

"I gotta get to work now, I'll call you okay" she tells Elosie as she kisses her checks.

"Please do" Eloise looks at her with pity eyes.

"Love you, bye Mr huge guy ". She smiles and leaves .

Fuego stares at Eloise knowing she wasn't happy, then he takes her hand softly." How about we go somewhere, maybe tonight? Help you clear your head off Tristen's issue for some time. I hate how sad you look. Just give him time . He'll definitely realize why you had to do what you did.".

She bites her lips, her face still looking glum " yha sure ".

"I'll pick you up tonight, 9 o'clock okay?". He says and she nods

"Do you have anything to do? Want me to take you to your workplace?".

"No no need . I'm meeting some business associates here very soon so I'll stay here. You have work to do , so you can go. You don't want to keep Tristen seeing his new attitude these days. He might just fire you for being a minute late" she smiles.

He chuckles, standing up" he wouldn't dare" he cups her cheeks smashing his lips on hers , kissing her passionately, then he let go" I love you Elosie " he says softly.

"I love you". She smiles.

"9 o'clock, don't be late. Get your things ready . You know you take a lot of time to get ready " he says and she laughs . He kisses her once more and leaves the coffee shop.

Author's note

Yha Tristen and his new attitude...
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Xoxo ❤️ ❤️

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