Chapter 18: Gratitude

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Author's pov

Soon enough, Fuego felt his stomach rumble. He remembered he didn't have any food, he forgot to order and it was too late and besides it was raining cats and dogs outside.

But he couldn't go to bed on an empty stomach, he fed his desires and forgot to feed his stomach.

He got up as he couldn't sleep and thought of what to do.

He immediately went out of his bed and went to Eloise's room and knocked.

Sleepily Eloise lazily crawled out of bed , she wondered who was pestering her at this time .

She opened the door and saw Fuego.

"What do you want asshole".

"I'm hungry sassy" he looked at her with an almost pleading eyes.

"Do you have anything I could eat?"
He was surprised as to how he was asking her for food, but he didn't care he was so famished.

"Your slut didn't satisfy you?"

"I want food not women now okay?"

"Well guess what?"


"I ain't your mama, if you are hungry, order food " she said as she tried to close the door.

"It's too late and it's pouring outside,just let me in "

"Why didn't you tell your slut to get food for you, you done fucking and now you come here to tell me you are hungry like I'm your wife or girlfriend ".

"You're not any of these you mentioned, if I'm to marry I won't cheat on her okay? ,So let me in I might actually die of hunger if you refuse."

"What if I have no food "

"I can see cola and chicken there " his eyes went straight to the food and his mouth watered.

"You have to say please first off and apologize for being rude to me , cause it hurt me "

"What the hell sassy, you really going to do this before I can eat?".

"Alrighty then you ain't hungry " she turned as she tried to close the door but Fuego held it .

"Pl... easeee " he said as he forced the word out .

Elosie found it amusing and tried to hold in her laughter.

"Go on you ain't done with the apology "

"Sorry for being rude , I promise it will happen again"

"Asshole " she said as she tried to close the door.

"Okay okay okay I'm sorry for being rude ". Fuego laughed as he tried to stop her.

"Will it happen again" she asked looking up to him.

"I'm not sure but I know I won't be rude to you now"

"Yha cause I'm giving food to you"

"Smart sassy woman" he said as he let himself in.

"Don't touch anything "

Fuego sat on her bed as she brought the left over pizza and chicken.

He took it from her without thanking her and digged in.

Eloise looked at him and shook her head .

She laid down and got busy with the tv watching shows .

She took the chicken wing Fuego was eating and threw it inside her mouth as she chewed it.

Fuego stopped and looked at her, he couldn't believe what happened, she took his wing he was eating.

"What I'm hungry now, seeing the way you eat makes me hungry,".

He just stared at her in bewilderment .
He watched how she took his cola and  mouthed it not caring at all

Normally he would have been disgusted but this time he wasn't he just stared at her smiling unconsciously.

She noticed and stopped immediately

". Here take this too .. I'm full" she gave him her left over pizza.

"You can actually have more sassy".

"Nah uh I'm okay"

He continued eating until she asked

"What if I actually poisoned this food, you don't even care you are just stuffing your face with food

"You didn't poison it ".

"And why's that"?

"You won't have joined me to eat if you have , talk of taking my wings I half chewed and eating it , so you didn't poison it".

Eloise kept calm as she continued with her tv show

Fuego was done and he took the packs and disposed them and turned to leave.

"Where are you going? "

"To my room sassy , or do you want me to stay more?".

"You wish, you couldn't even show your gratitude, you're just leaving" she said as she stood up.

He smirked as he came close to her ,

"What ... what are you doing?",

"   Showing my gratitude " he came close to her , bent down and kissed her neck slowly.

Elosie felt like she had been electricuted, as she closed her eyes and tilted her neck a little to give him asses to what he was doing to her .

She squeezed the helm of her nightie as to stop herself from digging her fingers into his hair , telling him she wanted more of what he was doing to her.

He kissed it slowly and inhaled her nice smell, " you smell nice " he said as he inhaled her sweet  scent , he continued with the pleasure  and finally let go.

"This is enough gratitude sassy" he said as he smiled.

Elosie opened her eyes looking at his piercing green eyes.

"I meant a thank you not a neck kiss".

"The neck kiss was better than a Thank you seeing the way you reacted to it".

"Fuck off  " She said as she tried to push him out like she could even do it , he was too strong for her.

He gradually walked out laughing.

" I like your nightie, white transparent nighties suits you "

" Such a pervert"

"Goodnight Sassy"

" Get out  jerk " she heard him laugh as she closed her door.

She laid down and closed her eyes, somehow the feeling of the neck kiss came back to her and she imagined things with Fuego but decided to shrug it off , she wouldn't want to love or like someone that treats women like trash.

She hoped never to see him after this encounter.

She soon drifted off to sleep.

Author's Note
Ishhh ,, it's getting spicy 🔥... I'll keep you all posted..

Xoxo ❤️❤️

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