Chapter 177: Home breaker

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Eloise gets into the car with Tristen fuming and trying to calm herself down. "Jesus , she's so fuckin annoying!!, how'd you get to deal with that bitch" she turns to Tristen

He closes his eyes resting on his driver's seat, " I didn't date her , it was just sex ".

She groans frustratedly.

"But damn Eloise, what happened to being in your best behavior and not making the conversation a harmful one? ". He turns to her smirking.

"Ahh, that was just to convince you and besides she pissed me off, I warned her once and I'm sure she got the message ".

"Yeah twice" and they both laugh
"What do you think she's gonna do?" Tristen asks.

"Fuck her and her decision, I'm not scared of that bitch, she deserved what she got." She keeps calms and glances at him " she did deserve it though right?".

He glances at her and smiles "Fuck yes she did, I should hire you yunno" he says and she playfully hits his arm laughing.

Then silence fell between them, she sighs deeply and then she breaks the silence " Do you think she's telling the truth?, Did you fuck her?".

"I did not fuck her Eloise, I might be drunk but not to the point of not knowing what I was doing, she gave me those pills assuring me it will help with my condition but I felt more dizzy , she tried kissing me and all but I pushed her aside and that was the last thing I remember and I'm very sure I didn't touch her, I love my little girl too much to hurt her like that" he says with sincerity in his deep voice

She sighs and nods " I wanted to hear it out of the horse's mouth, I believe you, we just have to tell Andrea before she finds out the hard way, I hate keeping this from her and I don't want her to get hurt".

"Thank you Feisty" he tells her sincerely.

"You owe me a darn bourbon, let's go" she smirks and he drives out.

Lisa storms into Drew's home, angrily, he comes out with his pyjamas and his singlet.

"Who the fuck let you in, how'd you get passed security?" He asks with a scowl on his face.

"I'm not a newbie and this isn't my first time ".

"What are you doing here?, shouldn't you be at home resting?, or doing stuffs pregnant women do?".

"I'm here because of your fuckin son and that bitch El something ".


"Oh you know her?, great. Well I came to have a chat with Tristen and disclose to him I was pregnant with his child and that bitch of a girl hit me, twice!!!!". She shouts angrily.

"Lower your tone darling, I must say that lady isn't an easy lady, try not to get on her bad side" he says and turns to leave

She looks at him in disbelief " really?, that's all you can say?, you can't do something about this?, she fuckin hit the mother of your child Drew".

"This is a petty situation, I don't deal with things and arguments as small as this , I'm too big and busy for that, she's your fellow woman , deal with her yourself. If that's why you came here , I need to sleep I have a long day tomorrow, you can see yourself out " he says and proceeds to move.

"I'll make their life hell, Tristen, all of them , they'll wish they never did what they did to me tonight , I'm going to their house tomorrow, I'm telling everyone about this pregnancy and I'll make sure to break every good thing Tristen had with that woman".

He smirks, " Now you're being reasonable, goodnight " he says and moves upstairs, while Lisa quickly pours herself a drink to calm herself down.

Author's note

Okayyyy.... We're getting there... Thank you for the votes and please comment.

Xoxo ❤️ ❤️

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