Chapter 21: Reassurance

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Author's pov
Andrea walked into the office quietly, she didn't want to be noticed by anyone.

"You're late girl" Lucinda spoke .

Andrea turned around terrified "I'm sorry I was caught up on traffic, I promise it won't happen again, don't tell boss please".

"Well too bad ,he saw you and he wants you in his office "

Andrea turned cold, she was really scared each time she knew Tristen wanted to see her. Her palms started sweating ,as she strode towards the elevator.

"Hmph, always looking for attention"Tyla said as she sneered at her .

Andrea took the elevator leading to Tristen's office.

He was rounding up a call when she entered his office as the door was open already.

He was putting on his black suit  , his hair was messy due to the stress he had gone through just that morning, his cup of coffee was beside him as he sipped it . She inhaled her favorite cologne as she moved towards his desk looking at the handsome man in front of her.

Tristen noticed and looked up at her, giving her those stern eyes she was always scared off.

"I'll call you back Rayshon" he said as he hung up the phone not breaking eye contact with Andrea's bulgy eyes.

"You are late Andrea, you thought I wouldn't see you, sneaking in"?.

"I'm sorry I'm late something important came up, you see there was a...."

"I'm in no mood for stories , stick to time next time else you'd be punished".

"I'm sorry Mr Angel it won't happen again".

Tristen stared at her for a while and asked.

"What do you think of me , why do you call me Angel , I'm not Andrea you should stop that ".

"You may be a mean person to others , but you saved my friend's life , you were sent, and you didn't even want to sleep with me even after you gave the money to me".

"Yes I don't do virgins, if you weren't I wouldn't have thought twice".

" That's exactly why you are kind , because you didn't want to hurt my feelings by sleeping with me and dumping me, rather you chose not to and gave me the money, you are nice but you try to hide it " she smiled at him

Tristen stared at her  wondering how this girl standing before him was able to read him, how she was able to see the good in him even when he treated her like she was nothing.

"Leave now, I have some work to do"

Andrea nodded and left .

After some minutes, Mrs Chole Tristen's mother entered his office.

"Mama you didn't tell me you were coming to see me"

"You are my son amigo I don't have to tell you before coming to visit you".

"What brings you here, mama, do you want anything?".

"No not really I want to see how you are doing and I prepared you're favorite snack amigo"

She gave him a pack  of spring rolls to him.

"Thank you mama " he said as he bit one . " They taste really nice, he said happily and put some more into his mouth

"Take it easy or you'll choke you glutton" she smiled.

"Don't blame me ma ,they taste really good, it's been long I had rolls this good, I missed your cooking and you mama" , he said as she hugged her.

"Me too" she sat down on the couch in his office and he followed her and rested his head on her shoulder hugging her.

When he's around  his mum he could show his real self, he didn't have to  to be rude , he could be his old playful and childish self.

" I met a nice girl today"

"Oh , that's good"

"I think you'll like her amigo".

"Mama not this again"

"No this is different, she saved me today from an unpleasant man we mistakenly bashed our car into"

"What ?? Are you okay ma" he said as he studied her body

"I'm fine amigo, this young girl actually stood up for me and defended me, she  took me to this place and it was then that I knew she worked here, I'd like you to meet her I'm sure you'll like her".

"Ma what's with you and this match making huh? When I'm ready for a wife I'll take one that is if I'll ever be ready , but for now I'm not interested In anyone ".

"You know she's actually the first person telling me to my face  exactly how  you are , it's like she studied you, she knows your real self ,how kind you are but try not to show it  and how rude you are most of the time ".

"She said that to you?". He asked surprised

"Yes she did and she didn't care at all"

"Does she know who you are ?"

"Nop I don't think so, if she knew she would have said so, she  wanted to help me find you but I insisted on her going to work."

"So what's her name".

"Oh it's..... and then she stopped, widened her eyes and looked at her son "Oh God". It was then she realized she didn't  ask her name

"What?? Don't tell me you forgot her name ma".

"No I didn't, I'm not that old , I just didn't ask her , she was the one doing the talking and reassuring me , telling me I'm beautiful, I forgot to ask her name."

"Why was she reassuring you"

"The guy we bashed our car into called me an old lady, so this young girl fumed with anger and reprimanded him for his nasty behavior  telling him not to say these type of things to me . She said I reminded her of f her mom ,more reason she felt bad when I was treated in that manner".

"Who's the bastard that called you old ".

"It's over amigo , the young girl fought for me and I'm happy, she told me I was beautiful and I believe her , she's really nice , I messed up by not asking her name".

"Maybe the universe doesn't want us to meet , so forget about the girl you met today.

"Oh I do know she works at the accounting department though".

"Ma there are tons of people working in that department,as I said maybe the universe doesn't want us to meet and I'm good with that,".

"She hoped to see me again, and I'll see her don't you worry."

"I don't care about her, I hope the asshole that insulted you is been taken care of".

"Amigo why do you always like trouble "

"He insulted you mama ,it's only fair if I return the favor "

" You are not returning any favors, eat your spring rolls and relax".

Tristen looked at his mom stubbornly and bit his snack.

"Where's El Fuego ".

"He had some meeting to attend to but he'll be back today ".

"Keep some for him "

"Nah uh mama it's mine " he said as he drew the bowl closer to his chest.

His mom smiled as she kissed his forehead"My amigo " she said as she rested her head on his head.

Author's note

Heyy babies, I can't wait to write more, feels like I'm keeping my self in I'll still keep you all updated.

Xoxo ❤️❤️

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