Chapter 111: Fright

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"I'm not fucking going anywhere" Tristen says stubbornly as he refuses to leave the spot he was.

"There's no fuckin way you'd find her this night, I'll talk to my brother tomorrow and we'll look for her, right now you need to save all the strength you have because you're gonna be needing it".

"How do I damn leave when I know my girl is not safe huh, tell me . How will I sleep knowing fully well she's scared and terrified somewhere".

Fuego groans loudly I'm frustration " staying here won't help either. Now Drew has acted , we are not wrong to retaliate so fuckin come home . I'm tired of this bullshit already".

"Fuck you, ". He says as he gets into Andrea's car and zooms off

"Fuckkkkkk" Fuego curses in anger , goes back and drives off.

"I'll find you Andrea, don't you worry I won't let anyone lay their filthy hands on you. They'll all pay with their damn fucking blood, I swear to you . Just hang in there for me" Tristen mumbles in fear and anger .

Tristen knowing he couldn't find Andrea in that situation decides to wait till the next morning. He goes to his mom's place as he needed her more than anything in this situation.

He puts in the password and goes inside. He sees Nuel who stares to study his face knowing nothing was okay.

"It's so late , at night Big Boss, are you okay, you don't look good" he asks with worry.

"Where's my mama?" Tristen asks ignoring, the questions asked .

"Upstairs I cann...." Tristen left immediately without waiting for him to speak .

Chloe stares at him as he rushes up stairs, he stops in between tracks and looks up at her.

"What's the matter bunny?" She gets tensed as she noticed the pain and fright in his eyes .

His eyes water as he goes and hugs her ," she's gone mama" he chokes .

"Who's gone amigo, you're scaring me ". Her heart began racing as she manages to speak.

"Andrea, she was abducted this night".

Chloe stiffens under his touch as she hears this." Drew?" She asks praying and hoping she was wrong but he Tristen nods affirmatively.

"How?, How?" She says as tears were beginning to swell in her eyes.

"We had an argument, she left and Drew fuckin took her?".

"What did you say to her Tristen?". Chloe questions because she knew exactly the type of person Andrea was , so her leaving the house, then he must have said something so hurtful.

"What the hell did you say to her Tristen Simons" his mom asks with rage in her eyes, as he keeps mute.

He bends his head " I called her a whore mama, I liked her to that of a slut because I saw Dan kiss her but I was too stupid to know that was a mistake and she left mama".

Chloe leans in to look at his face, she stops before she raises her hand and hits him. " You called a woman that has loved you since the day she saw you a whore?, Someone that stood by you , someone that understands you more than anything. Just cause of a damn misunderstanding??" She shouts . He looks at her and sees the rage and anger in her eyes, he had never seen her this way and it terrified him more.

"Mama I didn't mean to...".

"And yet you did, you damn did .now that poor girl is somewhere scared to death , because of your fuckin mistake , your damn issues. She's paying the price for you, and you have the guts to come here??".

Tristen's lips pressed into a thin line stares, thinking about everything. "She'll be safe mama, I'll get her back" he looks at her assuring her with his life.

" She better be , don't come back without her "

"Mama please I need you right now, don't tell me to leave ". He pleads with her, tears rolling down his cheeks.

"I hate to see you become your father, with this attitude of yours" she says looking to his eyes with all the hurt and rage in her eyes. She stands , goes to her room and locks it , leaving him frightened by her words. With his eyes wide open,he shakes his head " I can't be like him , I'm not him" he tries to convince himself but he couldn't. He goes looks at his palm, his hands ,he sees himself on a mirror and sees his grey eyes, knowing quite well it was his father's eyes, scared him more.

He touches his face, scratching them hoping he would be able to peel his skin off but it only gave him scratches as blood dripped from his face.

He hits the glass mirror as it shattered all over the place, he looks at himself hoping to see a new person but he saw worse . He rushes downstairs and leaves , driving away .

Author's note

Vote, and share babies

Xoxo ❤️❤️

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