Chapter 114: Obsession

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"She better be worth the fuckin save and bear it in mind I'll save my self first before anyone. This is a one time favor, don't expect more in the future".

Tristen inwardly sighs relievedly .

"What do we have?" Diego asks as he sits down, gulping his whiskey.

"I'm sure , he'll call anytime soon. We just have to wait , then when he does call we'll gather Intel. I have contacted someone that'd help us with his whereabouts, and that's where you come in. You gather your boys , we move in and I'll get my girl".

"And what do I gain in this mission?".

"The fact, you're not dead Diego. Your life alone is a reward. And you fucking owe me Diego. I saved your life , twice".

Diego looks at Fuego , pointing at him" you fucking caused this".

"I did nothing, you know you needed him , the least you can do is to be fuckin grateful . grateful mama and papa hasn't disowned you yet. grateful they still pray for you every damn day " he says with anger in his eyes.

Diego sighs deeply" we wait for his call".


Andrea , still terrified but tired , tries struggling with her cuffs still hoping something would happen.

She hears footsteps and ,she looks up .

"Do you need anything to eat , baby girl?" The familiar voice speaks up .

She sniffs" fuck off". She says weakly.

The shadow , sighs before finally coming into the light. Her eyes widens seeing the person. She couldn't find words .her lips trembled seeing someone she didn't expect.

"Da...Dan?" She manages to talk.

"Hi Drea,". he smiles pitifully at her.

She didn't want to believe Dan had a hand in her abduction so she decided to ask him for help" Thank God I found you. You need to help me get out of here. Please". She sobs quietly.

"My poor girl" he trails his fingers along her soaked cheeks.

She shivers in fear against his touch. In as much as she didn't want to believe he had a hand in her abduction, the more he gives her reasons to believe and it terrified her so much

"I can't bear watching you like this baby".

"Baby?, Please let me go Dan. I'm scared"

"I'm afraid I can't do that. "

"This was all your plan, to take me and keep me here right? ".

"Shhh " he bends down to meet her face. His eyes were no longer holding the kindness he used to have with her, it shown something showed lust and pure aggressive obsession.

"I brought you here , to show you how much I love you Andrea, Tristen doesn't ,I do, but you keep choosing him over me ." He says as he begins caressing her hands

"What the hell are you saying? Get me the hell out of here" she screams.

"You don't want to get the attention of my boss. The only reason you're alive is because of the love I have for you".

"You're crazy Dan, you can't call this love. Tristen won't take it easy on you when he finds out you're behind my kidnap ".

He laughs menacingly" easy on me?... I fucking saw you first Andrea. The day at the hospital when you approached Fuego , I've loved you ever since and I was willing to help you but he fuckin took you. I have kept watch after you ".

She cries" please Dan , I want to go home .I promise I won't tell anyone just let me go I beg of you".

"I hate to see you this way baby" he cleans her cheeks still staring at her with pure lust. He bit his lips , goes to her and sniffs her , closing his eyes. He leans in and tries kissing her neck but she flenches.

"You smell fuckin nice, even when you looked messed up you're sexy Andrea. I want you so much" .

"Please Dan , this is not you , don't do this you're hurting me".

He flares in anger"You hurt me the day you told me you were in love with that dick Andrea. It was meant to be me all along, fucking me!!!" Andrea shudders and falls silent.

He realizes himself and goes closer to her holding her cheeks"I'm sorry baby , I didn't mean to yell" he lowers his voice apologizing while Andrea looked at him not saying a word . Tears freely flowed from her cheeks.

He bumps head with hers" I just love you so much and it hurts to see him with you" he whispers. "Please love me , Andrea " he begs like a lunatic

"That's enough Dan " a voice interrupted" comport your fuckin self it's just a damn woman ". He comes out smirking at helpless Andrea.

She widens her eyes , with her lips slightly open seeing the person in front of her.

"Drew..." She whispers

Drew, a middle aged handsome man, his hair as smooth as anything with a
bit of grey hair by the sides of his hair. His eyes were piercing and grey. In as much as he was the villain he was dangerously handsome with his broad shoulders, and  his sleeves rolled up . No one needn't tell her , he was Tristen father because of the striking features on his face .

"I won't be surprised. I mean my features will tell " he smiles at her as he reaches closer "So beautiful, now I see why he loves you more than his life".

Author's note

About to do some super revealing..... Keep voting guys..

Xoxo ❤️❤️

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