Chapter 136: Rooftop

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A week later

Tristen gets a little alarmed as he couldn't see Andrea anywhere. He called out to her but there was no response. He wondered where she would have been as it was late in the night.

Scared, he runs up muttering something. He opens her door without knocking or caring if she was there.

He found nothing. He looked everywhere and didn't find her. He immediately goes to her big closet , opens it and finds her things gone.

He staggers backwards, with his eyes wide open." No.. you... can't leave me"

He falls down letting out a cold and  emotionless laugh. "You can't.... He chuckles more like he had gone nuts.

He stays there for a split second then rushes out of her room.

Andrea on the other hand, comes in with her car. She decided to visit Eloise at her place and do some catching up with her. She lost track of time and when she realized it was late she came rushing home.

She steps out of the car and begin moving inside when she looks up impulsively and looks forward. Then she stops , narrowing her eyes she moves back to the spot and see a figure standing at the edge of the roof

She looks closely and recognizes who the person was. "Fuckin hell Tristen " she curses and runs up stairs scared to her bones. Her eyes became blurry, she prayed that he'll still be there waiting for her.

Luckily she found her way to the rooftop as she had been there before. she goes slowly as her plan was to drag him down with her, but her heels failed her. He turns immediately hearing the clicking sounds of her heels.

"Tristen what in the world are you doing?, ".

He looks at her over his shoulders, still keeping his balance. His hands were in his pockets like he was standing on a safe place. No fear whatsoever written on his face.

"Why did you come back?" He asks with emptiness in his voice.

Andrea scoffs " why did I come back?, what the fuck are you doing at  the edge of the roof. You know one mistake and you're gone right?".

"Now you're making me want to end my life". He tells her as he faces her

Her voice comes out in a whisper " why" she comes close but he stops her with his hands " why Tristen, why do you want to end your life?. What about me " tears begins to run down her cheeks " after calling out to me, you want to leave ?".

"You hate me Andrea". She shakes her head disapprovingly " No I don't ". She says but he continues.

"You do hate me, ever since you came back from the hospital a month ago, you have been different. After we slept together a week ago, it became worse. We are leaving like total fucking strangers baby girl"

"Tristen please, let's talk just get down from there".

He raises his voice and she flinches and begins sobbing." I changed Andrea, I became a better person. I did things that I swore I'll never do but I did them for you . You know why? Because I love you Andrea!!. I fucking love you so damn much!! ".

Air whooshes as Andrea couldn't speak. Everywhere became quiet. She stared at him not speaking .
" Wha... What did you say?". She finally manages to speak.

"Yes you heard me damn well. I fucking love you . All these times we were together, the first time I saw you, and you leaving me for the rooftop " he chuckles" I haven't felt like this in a long time but it doesn't mean I don't know when I love someone cause I know that I love you so much, the gratitude you showed when I gave you funds for feisty's operation, the patience you had with me even after pushing you away so many times , everything you did , your smile made me love you more and more, your attitude and you're cute behavior made me love you. The way you unknowingly bite your lips when you think of something nasty , your big bulgy beautiful and prominent eyes , and more I can list out if you want me to. These little acts you do without even realizing had made me love you more than life itself. So I don't know of what use I am to you knowing that you hate me cause I can't bear it Andrea I can't bear to see you hate me. I rather die before I let that happen ".

This was the first time Andrea heard these words from him. These words were what she had been wanting and yearning for  a year now . Tears were flowing uncontrollably" you love me ?" She asks in a cute high pitched voice.

His voice softens" yes baby, I love you and I'll kill myself if you don't tell me you love me ., because I know you do and you're goddamn good at hiding  what you feel."

Author's note

Okayyyyyyy... Oufffff  so happy rn... Keep voting and sharing

Xoxo ❤️❤️

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