134. Upahar (Part 4)

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Jagdish walked into the bedroom, announcing, "I'm going to be running a bit late today."

Nishita, already frustrated by her studies judging by the way she sat hunched over her notebook with an angry frown, barely acknowledged him.

"You should rest for a while," he suggested gently as he set a glass of warm milk on her desk. "Burning the candle at both ends isn't healthy, you know."

Her head snapped up, eyes burning with irritation. "Fuc..." she began but stopped herself as she noticed Jagdish's eyes narrowing. Biting her lower lip, she sighed. "Please leave me alone, Jagdish."

He chuckled softly. "I've asked Rani Didi not to take any leave, she's booked solid for the next three months," he said, planting a quick kiss on Nishita's head before grabbing his watch from the dressing table and putting it on. "Wifey, please make sure you eat your lunch on time."

Ignoring his advice, Nishita's attention remained fixated on her book, her fingers tapping anxiously on her pen.

Jagdish had set up a study area in their bedroom for Nishita, knowing she often studied late into the night and disliked stumbling back to the room half-asleep. Well, he had felt uneasy sleeping alone without her presence as well, the sight of an empty space on the bed next to him had left a hollow feeling in his chest, a quiet ache that nights alone amplified.

However, witnessing Nishita's focused exertion wasn't entirely unfamiliar territory for him. It triggered a wave of nostalgia, a flashback to his own war cries against textbooks and caffeine during his own exam days. Armed with that empathy and his mother's survival guide for academic marathons, Jagdish became Nishita's personal cheerleader as well as caretaker during her late-night study sprees. Food, water, and maybe even a pep talk or two—all delivered with the peculiar charm that made him, him.

Indira had generously offered to move in and help out during the exam period. Jagdish, however, politely declined. He knew Nishita's father would be lonely without her, especially considering their age, it felt a bit cruel to separate them. They likely relied on each other's companionship for their well-being.

Despite his mother's constant presence on his travels, where she ensured his basic needs were met and taught him essential skills, he had, in essence, lived a solitary life. Though not a master chef himself, he was accustomed to managing his domestic affairs during his own period of independent living, often relying on a personal chef for culinary expertise. Thus, declining Indira's offer didn't seem hard for him.

The thought of reaching out to his mother for assistance with Nishita had flickered across Jagdish's mind. However, the memory of the tumultuous events from three months prior had served as a heavyweight, giving him pause. It seemed best not to disrupt his mother's peace. Left to his own devices, Jagdish found himself unexpectedly satisfied in caring for Nishita during this challenging phase. Nishita, on the other hand, seemed content under his care, with no apparent yearning to return to Pune. Thankfully, Devika's daily visits provided a much-needed boost to Nishita's spirits.

He felt relieved when she chose to stay in Mumbai to prepare for her exams, despite the initial suggestion to go to Pune. Her decision had lifted a weight off his heart, a sentiment Neelesh had recognized with a knowing smile and a whispered, "Good luck, you'll need all the strength you can muster to handle her mood swings." to him while he had chuckled at her father.

It wasn't entirely a lie. Nishita's mood did indeed seesaw as exam season loomed. But Jagdish found even her temper tantrums oddly charming. Compared to Subhadra's epic meltdowns, Nishita's were like summer squalls—brief and refreshing. He secretly thanked his lucky stars for his rigorous training under the world's most formidable sister. At least his wife's quirks were a walk in the park compared to Subhadra's.

"Jagdish, wait."

Just as he reached for the doorknob, Nishita's frantic steps echoed down the stairs. He turned, expecting some urgent reason for her haste, only to be yanked back inside by a powerful pull. Before he could register what was happening, her lips were on his, the intensity stealing his breath. He reciprocated with equal fervor, his hands instinctively wrapping around her waist, pulling her closer. Her fingers tangled in his hair, and for a moment, nothing existed except the overwhelming passion between them.

She broke apart from the kiss, panting as she muttered, "I'll miss you."

Inhaling loudly, he confusedly questioned, "What was that about? I'll return in the evening."

Nishita didn't reply. Instead, she wrapped her arms around him tightly, holding him close for exactly two minutes. Then, she pulled back slightly and gave him a quick peck on the cheek before rushing back inside with a cheerful, "Bye!" Bittu trailed behind her quietly, his tail wagging lightly as he followed her into the house.

Jagdish stood there, dumbfounded, trying to process the whirlwind of the past few moments. The ringing phone sliced through Jagdish's befuddlement. He fumbled for it, blinking away the remnants of the kiss. "Yeah, Kant, I'll be there..." he grunted, "Fuck off!"



I am sure Chandrakant made a nasty joke to get that response from Jagdish, hahaha.

Also, time is flying pretty fast. It's almost six months after they got married, whoaaaaa ;)

"Dil Kya Kare" for our bewildered Jagdish XD

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