6. Nrup (Part 1)

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"Fuckers, I don't want to go anywhere!" Prasanna groaned, tossing a wedding invitation onto Chandrakant's already cluttered desk. Amidst the chaos of scattered case files, the wedding invite flew to add another layer of mess but it missed its intended spot and landed at Chandrakant's feet.

Sai Prasanna Reddy, well-known for her proficiency in Family Law, stood as one of Jagdish's closest colleagues at Gaikwad and Attorneys Law Firm. On the other hand, Jagdish Veer Singh and Chandrakant Sahu were the dynamic duo reigning over Criminal Law. They had been the best of friends and the fiercest of rivals since their college days. Their intense competition in work often surprised others, yet it never interfered with the close personal bond they shared. It was unique how they managed to keep their professional and personal lives separate.

"It's just a hop to the next city, not like you're scaling Everest," Unni shot back, his irritation evident.

Unni Krishnan, the seasoned colleague and self-appointed guru of all things corporate, had a knack for untangling even the messiest of disputes, making him an invaluable asset to their team.

In the high-stakes world of law, where every case was scrutinized under a microscope, the four of them stood out as the firm's top performers. They were the ones who consistently outshone their competitors, leaving no room for doubt about their expertise and dedication to their craft.

Prasanna wrinkled her nose. "Why would I want to fucking trek to the Himalayas?" she quipped. "I'm perfectly content with a monthly visit to Marine Drive to satisfy my 'Adventurous Gal' side."

Chandrakant chuckled at their banter. "Oh, come on, Sana," he countered, scanning the room. "It's just a quick jaunt to the next city. Now, where's our reliable chauffeur, Jaggy?"

Jagdish leaned against the cabin doorway, quietly observing his friends as they debated the merits of attending their top client's daughter's wedding. He couldn't help but smirk inwardly at their futile deliberations. It was amusing to watch them try to avoid the inevitable as if they had any real choice in the matter.

"How fucking foolish can you guys be to think there's any way out of this?" Jagdish announced, startling his friends with his sudden appearance.

"Jaggy, you scared me!" Prasanna's voice echoed through the room. "Do you have some kind of invisibility cloak or something?"

"Nimble feet—that's the secret," Unni quipped, correcting Prasanna.

Chandrakant leaned back in his chair, stretching his arms and relieving the tension in his back muscles. "We're lawyers, not English professors, Advocate Shakespeare," he joked, grimacing as pain shot through his back. "When was the last time I even stood up? Fuck man, my back is screaming at me!"

Jagdish gracefully sipped his tea, looking as suave as ever. "You know, being a workaholic is one thing, but when you're downright glued to your work, that's a whole different story," he remarked, nodding towards Chandrakant. "Kant, buddy, looks like you're in a seriously toxic relationship with your job."

Chandrakant just shrugged, wearing his usual laid-back expression. "Well, when you've got to compete with Mr. Tea Sipper here to impress the boss," he quipped, "It's no walk in the park. While he's chilling with his hot beverage, I'm out here busting my butt, trying to match his level of excellence. Talk about a fucking toxic grind!"

"Step aside, Devil Wears Prada, you two have the ultimate plotline," Prasanna snickered. "Picture Gaikwad sir as Miranda Priestly – now that's comedy gold!"

Unni playfully draped his arm around Prasanna's waist, earning himself a sharp glare from her. "Darling, who's the lucky lady jetting off to Paris with her boss? Jaggy or Kant?"

"Plot twist: it's all me!" Prasanna exclaimed, gently removing Unni's arm from her waist. "And hey, this is the office, not our cozy apartment."

Jagdish couldn't help but smile at the playful exchange between Prasanna and Unni. Their dynamic was reminiscent of a married couple. Having been in a relationship for three years and living together for one, they epitomized the modern live-in relationship. Both were averse to commitment, particularly Prasanna, who, having witnessed some of the most peculiar divorce cases, had opted for cohabitation until the time to decide if they would be tired of each other.

Chandrakant had even placed a bet that they'd stick together for the long haul, at least until one of them found the control missing for their sweetheart Playstation.

Amidst the chatter, Jagdish's phone pierced through the noise with its insistent ringtone. Fishing it out from his pocket, he noticed 'Maa' flashing on the screen. Answering the call, he gestured to his friends for silence.

"Hello, Maa?"

"Jagdish, are you in the middle of something?" his mother's voice was hurried, almost worrying the fuck out of him.

What happened? Is she fine!?

His heart thudded in his chest. "What's wrong? Is everything okay?"

"Oh, it's nothing," she hesitated. "I met a girl yesterday and thought you might be interested."

He closed his eyes, trying to quell the surge of emotions at the word 'interested' slipping through the phone.

Fuck! No, no, no!



Something is captivating about office banter, the way friends casually converse with each other. It's just so engaging!

Almost half of the cast from Jagdish's side is already introduced. Hope, you like them all ;)

My favorite is obviously- Sana... I mean 'gal power' yay!

"Jame Raho" serves as a perfect illustration of two contrasting lifestyles: workaholic versus carefree. Personally, I lean towards being a workaholic, but without veering into toxicity. So yeah, it's like Kant versus Jaggy!

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