135. Upahar (Part 5)

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"Brain fried yet? Time to stretch those legs!" Devika barked, flinging open the bedroom door. Finding the room empty, her voice hitched. "Nishu, where'd you vanish?"

The sudden sound of splashing from the bathroom cut through the silence. Devika's brow furrowed. Walking closer, she heard another muffled noise and a sigh. With a tentative knock, she called out, "Nishu? Everything okay in there?"

The door creaked opened slowly, and Devika found Nishita worrying her lower lip. Her usually calm and composed friend looked slightly distressed, her eyes darting around the room before meeting Devika's concerned gaze. Devika couldn't hold back, "Hey, what happened?"

Nishita stared at her face for a moment, her breath uneven. In a voice barely a whisper, she choked out, "Pregnant."

Devika's eyes widened in shock, she asked, "I... I didn't quite hear you. Can you repeat that?"

"I think... I might be pregnant." Nishita mumbled again.

"WHAT DO..." Devika forced in a deep breath, trying to project calm and continued, "What do you mean by 'you think'?"

"I, uh, took one of these..." Nishita extended her hand to show a pregnancy test kit, her fingers shaking slightly. "It says positive, but I've read they can be wrong sometimes. I just..." Her voice trailed off, filled with uncertainty.

"Why don't you call your gynecologist and schedule an appointment to get it checked out for sure? They'll be able to give you a definitive answer." Devika hesitated, then spoke softly. "Nishita, if this is true, if you find out you are pregnant... would you be happy about that?"

"Yes!" Nishita blurted, her eyes widening in surprise. The realization seemed to dawn on her face, a flicker of joy replacing the earlier worry. A blush crept up her cheeks, and she mumbled sheepishly, "Actually, I think I might be happy about it."

Devika burst out laughing, a warm, contagious sound that filled the air. "Woah, that was the fastest 'yes' I've ever heard in my life!" she said, nudging Nishita playfully. "Fucking hell... I can't stop thinking about your husband... Can you imagine Jagdish's face? Pure euphoria! He's probably been dreaming of becoming a father since the day he was born."

Nishita blushed deeply, her cheeks turning a lovely shade of pink as she playfully hit Devika's arm. "We weren't in a rush."

"You haven't even crossed your first anniversary, for God's sake," Devika teased, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "And you weren't in a rush? Oh, please. Who are you trying to fool? You were going at it full-time with no protection like it was an Olympic sport. That's practically inviting Devi Parvathi to set up a baby assembly line for you guys. What did you expect? A surprise puppy?"


Bittu barked in response. Devika scratched behind his ears. "Hold on there, buddy, fatherhood isn't in your job description... at least not yet."

"Shut up!"

Devika roared with laughter, hugging her friend tightly. "Nishita, you sly dog! Now it all makes sense... Dodging Pune for some quality time with Jagdishji, huh?" she teased. "You two had grander schemes in the works all along—expanding the Singh family dynasty, no less!"

"Oh, Kanha!"


Seven days. A single, life-altering week had passed since the test, and now Nishita held the confirmation report in her trembling hands. Her heart hammered a frantic rhythm against her ribs, a melody fueled by a potent mix of fear and exhilaration. Yet, beneath the nervous flutter, a different sensation blossomed—a warmth spreading through her chest like a sunrise.

For the first time in her life, a crystal-clear certainty took root. Love. Love for Jagdish, the man who shared her life, her days and nights, her lust and desire, her body and soul. A love she'd been too afraid to acknowledge even to herself. Her mother's words, once distant echoes, now reverberated with truth: "Love brings happiness." Nishita finally grasped it.

As if bathed in a newfound light, the world around her shimmered with vibrant possibilities, Jagdish, the artist, painted her soul. His touch, his laugh—each interaction felt like a stroke of color, painting every inch of her being in vibrant hues. She could almost feel his name etching itself onto her.

Staring at the stark black and white of the report, the world around her faded. Nothing mattered except the quiet joy that pulsed within her – the knowledge that she carried a part of Jagdish, a tangible symbol of their bond. Tears welled up in her eyes, tears laced not just with the apprehension of the future, but also with the yearning to share this newfound truth.

Devika's words were true. Nishita knew it to be true. Jagdish would be overjoyed, his exuberance likely reaching epic proportions. But there was more to it now. This wasn't just about his reaction to fatherhood. This was about her. This was about finally confessing her love, about seeing the reflection of her own awakening in Jagdish's eyes, about telling him that he was the one who had shown her what love truly felt like.

She longed to see his face, to hold him close, to whisper the words that had been silently forming in her heart for so long. To tell him that he wasn't just Jagdish, but the man who had awakened a love within her so profound, so all-encompassing, that it rivaled the miracle burgeoning in her womb. This wasn't just a pregnancy; it was a love story waiting to be confessed, a love as new and beautiful as the life they were about to create together.



Hmm... Okay... Devika needs to shut her mouth because we already know a bit about her future. She's going to eat her words. (Yeah, spoilers, spoilers... In another book though.)

"Saathiya" for Nishita. Yay, go and tell Jagdish your feelings!

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