18. Tvish (Part 3)

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In the living room, Devika and Chandrakant found themselves unable to look away from each other, their gazes were intense with desire as if they were longing to rip off their clothes and just fuck each other.

Crossing her legs, Devika leaned back comfortably, running her hand sensually along the curve of her neck while tilting her head to the side. Her eyes locked onto Chandrakant's sparkling brown orbs, silently urging his hand to caress her the way she imagined.

"It must be quite demanding to manage your workload at the firm, huh?" Nishita's father engaged in a conversation with the guests, particularly Chandrakant, who seemed lost in his own lewd thoughts about how it would feel to run his tongue along the chocolaty skin of the temptress in front of him.

Devika smirked noticing his eyes widen when her fingers danced near her bosom.

How she wanted to pull him close and let him have his way with her. Oh, how badly she desired to have those plump lips of his against her skin, kissing her and pleasuring her—and god forbid she knew that he would be great—as she moaned his name.

She could see how he was heaving for air, the tea in his cup untouched as the only thing his lips wanted to drink was her. It was refreshing, she relished the thrill of tantalizing him, reveling in the power she wielded over this man she had never met before.

The world might call it scandalous, but she loved a juicy scandal.

"Yeah, it can feel suffocating at times," Unni remarked, engaging in the small talk of their host. "But thankfully, we have plenty of juniors to lighten the load. Us seniors mainly tackle the more complex cases."

"How has your experience been dealing with crime-related cases, Mr. Chandrakant?"

Mr. Baggy's sexy little minx licked her lips and—

Someone stomped hard on his left foot, causing him to flinch. "The hell!?" he growled, only then realizing that he was being watched by a group of people in the room whom he had completely forgotten about.

Prasanna nudged him. "Stop eye-fucking her and answer the question already!" she whispered.

Feeling embarrassed by his friend's crude remark, he muttered, "What was the question?"

"Your experience with work," Prasanna replied, shaking her head. "Geez, you men only think about one thing, don't you?"

He whispered in her ear, "You should have asked Unni about that when he was banging you this afternoon," he heard her gasp and scoffed. "I was there in the next room, hearing you moan—"

"Excuse me?" Nishita's father smiled, noticing them murmuring silently. "I apologize if my question made you uncomfortable."

"Oh, not at all, Mr... uh, sorry, I didn't catch your name earlier," Chandrakant replied, adjusting himself on the sofa.

"I'm Neelesh Pandit," Nishita's father introduced himself.

Chandrakant gave him an acknowledging nod. "Mr. Pandit, there's hardly anything uneasy in my line of work anymore. I've encountered almost every gruesome crime there is."

"It must be challenging to maintain faith in humanity after dealing with such crimes," Neelesh remarked. "Everything must look dark for you guys. Every day, I read the newspaper, and the rising crime rate fills me with a sense of dread to begin my day."

Unni chuckled. "I never associate cases with myself, keeping my emotions separate gives me some semblance of peace."

"Anyone can commit a crime; it's mostly about how they do it," Chandrakant's eyes bore into his kitten's. "Accidental and impulsive, calculated and cold-blooded, serial and psychopathic, or... I could go on."

"Enough with such unhealthy tales," Mrs. Singh scolded. "I don't understand why you and my son, both, are so fixated on crimes."

"It's the adrenaline rush," Prasanna remarked. "They both thrive on winning cases, whether gruesome cruel crimes or simple fraudulent cases..."

He shrugged. "Work is our drug, it's like cocaine, and crime is easily available everywhere."

"Hmm..." Devika sighed, slightly biting her lower lip.

Indira, watching her daughter and Jagdish as they returned, smiled, "Oh, the kids are back so soon. Are you two finished talking already? That was quick."

Nishita shrugged nonchalantly. "We decided we need a sequel."

"Want to meet again?" Nishita's aunt exclaimed in surprise. "But it's not approp—"

"Mami Ji, remember, you're not the one marrying Jagdish Ji. Let Nishu set the pace," Devika jumped in with a grin, effectively cutting her off. "Papa, what's your take on this?"

"If you and Nishi have a game plan, who am I to be the referee?" Neelesh chuckled.

Indira let out an exasperated sigh. "You spoil both Nishi and Devi. No wonder her mother thinks we're the reason she's never in her home."

Chandrakant stood up, announcing, "Alright, let's get our Jaggy boy prepped for a follow-up."

Jagdish blushed furiously.

Yashoda rose from the sofa with determination. "I'm hoping I can sway my son into marrying your daughter and vice versa," she said, giving a nod in Neelesh's direction. "Convincing kids these days is no easy feat."

Neelesh and Indira exchanged amused glances at her remark.

"Hey, Mr. Baggy, can I snag your digits?" Devika piped up taking her phone out and handing it to Chandrakant, her eyes sparkling mischievously. "I need to stay in the loop for this rendezvous... Third-wheel duty, you know?"

Chandrakant's smirk grew wider. "I'll join in too. We'll make a BMW out of this party of four wheels." He typed his number into her mobile and raised his brows.

Snatching her phone from him, she showed him a pout. "Whatever."

Their little jibe at each other sent the room into fits of laughter.

Except for Nishita's aunt who was horrified with how every youngster behaved in the room. "Krishna, Krishna!" She chanted to herself.



It is getting too hot here with Chandrakant and Devika.

I think they are going to end up together before my main protagonists do anything XD

"Nashe Si Chadh Gayi" is dedicated to our hottest couple in this story. No, not my leads but Mr. Baggy and Devi.

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