112. Aavartan (Part 2)

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Nishita flung open the gate, a symphony of emotions conducting a wild concerto in her chest. Anticipation, a mischievous sprite with a lightning bolt for a baton, crackled in the air, urging her forward. Three whole days? It felt like three decades trapped in a malfunctioning time machine fueled by longing.

It was a revelation—she never knew her heart could yearn so fiercely, its compass now irrevocably set on him, on one man alone, her darling husband. His presence had become her celestial guide, a map to a world awash in the shimmering hues of desire. As his car approached, a bunch of butterflies erupted in her stomach, their wings painted with the colors of a sunrise witnessed only by lovers. Logic, that once-reliable companion, had vanished without a trace, replaced by a whimsical love melody playing on repeat in her mind—a bhajan composed entirely of his name: 'Jagdish, Jagdish, Jagdish.'

As Jagdish stepped out of his car, Nishita's heart leaped with joy, and tears of anticipation brimmed in her eyes. Without a second thought, she hurried towards him, her whole being consumed by the overwhelming rush of emotions and she rushed into his arms, exclaiming, "Jagdish!"

Bittu, Nishita's faithful companion, attempted to scratch Jagdish's knee, playfully echoing Nishita's fondness for the young man he had seen a few times before. With a bark of recognition, he added a touch of whimsy to the moment.

However, as Nishita wrapped her arms around Jagdish, expecting to be enveloped in his warm embrace, she immediately sensed something amiss. His response felt distant, almost mechanical, lacking the usual reciprocation of affection she had grown accustomed to. The warmth she had anticipated was replaced by an unsettling chill, and when she looked up into his eyes, they seemed to stare through her rather than at her.

"Jagdish...?" she murmured, her voice tinged with concern, hoping for a reassuring answer or a comforting gesture.

Instead, Jagdish nodded silently, his hold on her gentle yet noticeably reserved as he guided her towards her home. Nishita's heart sank with each step. This was not the passionate reunion she had envisioned after three agonizing days apart.


Her mind raced with questions, each one a stab of uncertainty and longing. Did he not miss her the way she missed him? Had something changed in their connection that she was unaware of? Was he hiding something behind those distant eyes?

A torrent of questions flooded Nishita's mind as they walked together. She noticed another absence—there was no longer the familiar scent of wild roses that usually enveloped him. Instead, he seemed adrift, lost in some inner turmoil. What had happened to him?

She replayed the last three days in her mind. Had she been too presumptuous in expecting him to mirror her intensity of affection? Should she have reached out more urgently instead of waiting for this moment? Despite faithfully sending morning and nightly messages, his silence had been deafening.

Each unanswered question added to her sense of disorientation and heartache. What had caused this shift in their dynamic? And most importantly, did he still feel the same way about her? But he confessed his love... Was love supposed to be like this?

"Namaste, Indiraji," Jagdish's voice cut through her turbulent thoughts, prompting Nishita to blink back her tears.

Her mother sprung from the sofa in greeting. "Arey, Damadji, please come in," she welcomed, her eyes darting to her daughter whose distress was palpable. "Nishi, everything alright? You've been obsessing over Jagdishji for three days, and now that he's here, you're as quiet as a mouse."

Jagdish stared at her.

"It's nothing," Nishita replied, shaking her head slightly as she glanced back at Jagdish. "Would you like some tea? Shall I make some?"

"No need," Jagdish responded with a half-hearted smile.

No need? NO NEED!?

No need. This was the first time she had offered to make something for him, and he turned it down. Nishita wasn't a culinary wizard like her mother or Mrs. Singh, but she could brew a decent cup of tea. She had been eager to do something nice for him, but it seemed he couldn't care less. In fact, he looked like he'd rather be anywhere else.

Annoyance crept into Nishita's demeanor, mingling with disappointment. Wasn't he supposed to be happy to see her? After three days of pining for him, dreaming of their reunion, this lukewarm reception was a bitter pill to swallow. She had imagined him rushing into her arms, swept up in the same wave of emotion that had consumed her. Instead, here he stood, indifferent and distant, casting a shadow over her hopes.

Fucking asshole.



I totally relate to Nishita's situation. There was this one time when my husband and I were doing the long-distance thing, and after being apart for a whole month, he didn't bother to come pick me up at the airport. I was so damn furious, I felt like I could have shoved him into a burning volcano for not being as thrilled as I was about our reunion. We've done the long-distance dance plenty of times during dating and even after tying the knot, but this particular instance really pissed me off because I was missing him like crazy, and his cold-ass behavior just pushed me over the edge. When I finally got home, you bet I let him have it—I chewed his head off, cried my eyes out, and we fought until he apologized a hundred damn times and made me a cup of tea.

He was baffled because I typically don't give a damn about him being around. Maybe I just get a kick out of keeping my man on edge.

Adding "Daiya Daiya" for Nishita's excitement. This song brings back such a cherished memory for me. I was just 8 or 9 years old when this movie was released. I can still picture it clearly: we were living in a place where our landlord had a delightful toddler, about 2 or 3 years old. That little girl used to dance so adorably to this song, her sweet voice chanting "daiya daiya daiya" all day long. It was pure joy to watch her, and whenever I hear this song, I'm transported back to those happy times. Damn, she was cuteness overloaded XD

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