59. Vismit (Part 4)

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"You reckon Yashoda looks pretty youthful, right?" Maithali quipped with a knowing nod. "That's because she was barely past her nineteenth birthday when Jagdish arrived, and Veer, only twenty-two. Tackling diapers and sleepless nights, especially with Veer mostly away serving in the army, opened their eyes to the relentless marathon of parenthood." She paused, her voice softening. "That's precisely why they waited a bit before having Krishna—about five or six years after Jagdish. They wanted to make sure they were truly ready for round two."

Nishita could only muster a tiny "Oh." as she processed the unexpected family timeline.

Maithali's grin widened playfully. "Seeing you in that saree is like a flashback to Yashoda flouncing around our house, always decked out in her trendy, figure-hugging ghaghra choli." She teased, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

A warm flush colored Nishita's cheeks as the spotlight swung back her way.

"It looks like Yashoda has a gift for picking a woman just like herself for her son," Maithali added, her eyes twinkling.

"No, I... I didn't mean to—" Nishita stammered, flustered.

Maithali winked. "Shut up, I am also a woman, remember? I know all about turning a man's knees to jelly," she chuckled heartily. "And let's just say, you're doing just fine."

"What's Nishi's doing fine, Maa Ji?" Yashoda breezed into the living room, arms laden with a tray sporting three steaming cups of tea. "I've left tea for Chandrakant and Jagdish in the kitchen; they can grab it once they're here. So, what were you both chatting about?" she inquired, settling the tray on the coffee table before sinking into the sofa opposite them. Her eyes danced with curiosity, eager to dive into the heart of their conversation.

"Oh, just diving into the juicy details of your epic love saga," Maithali teased with a sly grin. "We were getting to the part on how you and Veer decided to tie the knot."

Yashoda's eyes popped wide open, her cheeks instantly blooming a bashful shade of pink. "Maa Ji!" she exclaimed, extremely mortified. "Please tell me you haven't been spilling all our secrets to Nishi!"

"Of course not," Maithali replied with a dismissive wave of her hand, her tone light and teasing.

Yashoda breathed a small sigh of relief but remained slightly wary. She knew her mother-in-law's penchant for storytelling could sometimes lead to more revelations than she was comfortable with.

"I was merely highlighting her expert—uh, shall we say—'seductive skills'—" But before Maithali could land her punchline, the clatter of the gate interrupted, signaling the arrival of the others.

Yashoda shot up from her seat, her earlier embarrassment forgotten as she rushed to welcome her son and his friend at the door.


"You really should head over to Pune, Jaggy," Chandrakant mumbled with a chuckle, his voice a blend of jest and sincerity as Jagdish secured his car and they began ambling toward his house. "You ought to be spending time with Nishita, not this old man."

Jagdish exhaled deeply, a hint of melancholy in his voice. "For the past few years, it's just been you and me celebrating my birthdays. Why mess with tradition?" he shrugged, trying to mask his disappointment. "Besides, Nishita probably doesn't even remember it's my birthday."

The sting was there, lurking just beneath his casual demeanor. It was his birthday, after all, and the silent phone weighed heavily in his pocket. Maybe she forgot. It wasn't exactly an obscure day—across the nation, fireworks and flags marked the celebration of India's independence from British rule. Surely, that should have jogged her memory. Or perhaps, he worried, his birthday simply wasn't as significant to her as he hoped.

She's going to be your wife... And she doesn't even remember your birthday...

It's okay, I'll just call her and drop a subtle hint.

Seriously? Jagdish, it's your birthday!

Yes, and that's exactly why I want to hear her voice.

"Come on, Jaggy," Chandrakant chuckled, "the fifteenth of August isn't exactly a date that slips an Indian's mind."

He sighed, a resigned smile playing on his lips. "It's alright," he said as he swung the gate open, "She might be caught up with something."

Chandrakant paused for a beat, then gave Jagdish a comforting pat on the back. "You're forgiving her before you even have the chance to get mad. Man, you're really head over heels, aren't you?" he said with a grin, his voice growing gentler. "I'm happy for you, really. Just hope Nishita feels the same depth," he added, his smile tinged with concern for his friend.

A light blush tinged Jagdish's cheeks, his heart fluttering despite the uncertainty—a sure sign he was indeed hopelessly in love.

As Jagdish swung the metal gate open, he caught the sound of his mother's voice near the door. There she stood, grinning from ear to ear. Puzzled by her wide smile, Jagdish approached, his expression mirroring her amusement. "What's going on, Maa?" he inquired.

"There's a surprise for you," she whispered, her eyes twinkling with secrets.

Chandrakant couldn't help but laugh. "Twenty-eight years old and still getting surprise birthday parties—what in the world is going on here?" His mirth earned him a playful jab in the ribs from Jagdish's elbow.

"It's the perfect gift for a twenty-eighth birthday, Kant," Yashoda chimed in, her voice dripping with mischief.

"Huh?" Jagdish's brow furrowed in confusion.

As he entered the living room, Jagdish found himself frozen in place. His heart skipped a beat, and he caught his breath as the figure of his surprise gently approached him.

"Happy birthday..." Nishita whispered softly, her voice floating across the room.


"Ah, so that's how you surprise an adult," Chandrakant chuckled, poking fun at Jagdish's stunned reaction.



Aww... I can just picture Jagdish's cheeks turning a fiery shade of red, practically morphing into a tomato right there in the living room.

It's quite the gamble, a real "Isq Risk," for Jagdish to fall so deeply for Nishita, especially without knowing if she harbors the same feelings for him. It's a high-stakes game of the heart that he's playing, betting it all on the hope of her reciprocation.

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