140. Beej (Part 5)

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Nishita chuckled again. "Yes, it's your Sher only..." A playful glint lit up her eyes. "By the way, you didn't answer my question. Can you come here tomorrow?"

"I'm in Pune today, so yes, it's feasible, not a problem at all," Yashoda replied, her voice still laced with worry. "Everything is fine, right?"

"Do you think your son would be singing karaoke if things were bad?" Nishita teased, the corner of her mouth quirking up.

Yashoda sighed, a heavy sound. "I don't know, I never heard him sing." She paused, her voice laced with a hint of regret. "I don't know a lot of things about my son."

"Maaji, stop rambling now, please come tomorrow," Nishita interjected gently. "I'll be waiting for you."

"Does Sher ask about me?" Yashoda's voice, barely a whisper, held a fragile hope.

"Nope." Nishita replied, "He has no clue I am talking to you right now."

"Oh... Then, it would be better if I don't c—" Yashoda began.

Nishita cut in before she could spiral. "Maaji, you and your son can sort out your cold war yourselves. But what did I do? I'm inviting you to my house, you have to come, that's all."

Yashoda sighed in defeat. "Okay."

Relief washed over Nishita.

"Tea is ready, my sweet wifey!" Jagdish's enthusiastic yell cut through the conversation.

Nishita jumped, startled. "Maaji, bye, gotta go now," she rushed into the phone.

"Bye, my Sher's sweet wifey," Yashoda teased, her voice filled with warmth. Nishita could practically feel the blush creep up her cheeks.

Flustered, she ended the call and glared at Jagdish who stood there proudly holding a cup of tea, looking every bit like a medieval knight presenting a goblet to his queen.

"What is this, huh?" She raised an eyebrow, amusement battling with exasperation in her voice.

Bittu burst into the kitchen, his tail thumping a happy rhythm against the floor. His excited eyes shone, and a wide grin spread across his furry face.

"I present to you my attempt at preparing a cup of tea for you, Your Grace," he declared with a flourish, bowing dramatically as he offered her the cup.

Nishita took a tentative sip, and her face contorted in disgust. She sputtered and coughed, handing the cup back to him. "Jagdish," she pleaded, "promise me you'll never enter the kitchen ever again."

Curls of curiosity danced in Bittu's eyes as he fixated on her face. Unable to contain his questions, he let out a sharp bark and launched himself upwards, scratching her arms lightly. Nishita patted his head.

"Oh, come on, it can't be that bad..." Jagdish took a sip himself and immediately made a face. "Eww, okay, it is so fucking terrible," he conceded.

They stared at each other for a moment, then burst into laughter. Jagdish placed the cup on the side table and pulled Nishita into a hug.

"Gosh, what are you doing to me, wifey, huh, huh?" he mumbled into her hair. "Making me sing off-key and attempt to be a tea master all in one day."

Nishita wiggled free, a playful glint in her eyes. "Becoming a responsible father, Jagdishji, huh?" she teased.

Jagdish mock saluted her. "Ah, yeah, how could I forget about that?"

They both laughed again, the sound filling the room. And Bittu, well, Bittu just tried to jump up and try to snag a sip of the questionable tea.



Nishita, brimming with excitement, enveloped Yashoda in a tight hug the moment Yashoda stepped through the door.

Yashoda examined Nishita from head to toe and exclaimed, "Oh my, my Bahu is glowing like the moon!" She chuckled as she walked beside Nishita. "I thought all this exam preparation would make you look tired and worn out, but I was clearly mistaken. It seems you thrive under stress, don't you?" Yashoda then settled onto the sofa, her gaze fixed on Nishita, who suddenly blushed.

Just then Bittu made his entrance. He silently padded over and nestled near Nishita's feet, showering her toes with enthusiastic licks.

"Well..." Nishita scooted closer to Yashoda and gently took her hand, placing it on her stomach. "The exam stress definitely isn't the reason."

Yashoda's eyes widened in surprise. "Nishi... Beta..." she stammered.

Nishita bit her lip nervously. "You're going to be a Dadi soon," she whispered.



How much I've missed the moments between Nishita and Yashoda! They are simply too adorable together. Forget Nishita and Jagdish; I could keep writing about these two forever. XD

"Moh Moh Ke Dhage" female version is here! ;)

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