53. Saksathkriya (Part 3)

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"Jaggy... I need to talk to you about something," Prasanna started, her voice tinged with suspicion.

It had been nearly a week since their brief vacation to Goa. On the final day of their trip, along with Nishita, Prasanna had shown concern for Devika and... Chandrakant.

After she had left him that night, warning him not to do anything reckless, he had disappeared without a trace, as if swallowed by the night. To others, the situation might have seemed unclear, but the moment her gaze had landed on Devika, it had been as transparent as the waters of Gangotri that she was lying through her teeth.

Prasanna hadn't been fooled for a second. When she had noticed the shirt Devika was wearing, she had almost scoffed out loud. Clearly, it had been Chandrakant's—a fact she could confirm without a doubt since she had personally shopped for almost all his clothes, except his ever-present black ones. Her mind had started racing as she had pieced together the implications of Devika wearing Chandrakant's shirt. It hadn't been just about the clothing; it had been a glaring clue that there was more going on than met the eye.

While the search party had been tearing through the resort looking for Devika, Prasanna had been on her own quest to find Chandrakant. She had been the lone voice against inviting Nishita and her friends from the start, arguing it hadn't been smart to mix folks who barely tolerated each other. Everyone else had brushed off her concerns, thinking she had just been paranoid.

The atmosphere had been tense from the start, and with Devika missing, the situation had escalated into a full-blown crisis. Prasanna's instincts had told her that Chandrakant's unexplained absence might be more than coincidental. She had remembered their last conversation, the subtle hints of unrest he had dropped, and now she couldn't help but connect the dots, wondering if their collective decision to mix volatile elements had sparked something disastrous.

On one hand, there was Jagdish, a master of restraint, who held his anger in check until it erupted like a dormant volcano. Then there was Chandrakant, whose patience wasn't quite legendary but still considerable—until it snapped. When that happened, it was like a wildfire, quick and devastating. Among the elite criminal lawyers, he was a feared figure, known for his aggressive, take-no-prisoners approach to each case.

His notorious temper was glaringly obvious when Prasanna saw Devika. She looked battered and abused, a sight that horrified Prasanna. The possibility that Chandrakant might have harmed her and then fled the scene was deeply unsettling.

Prasanna had always known her circle of friends to treat everyone with respect, regardless of gender. It was jarring for her to even contemplate that Chandrakant, a close friend, could be capable of such violence. Devika's frail appearance, devastated as if she had been struck by a bus, along with Chandrakant's mysterious disappearance without a trace, had solidified her worst fears.

"Yes." Jagdish arched an eyebrow.

Prasanna blinked, "Did you try reaching out to Kant?" She tried to keep her voice steady.

"Yeah, but his number's switched off," Jagdish sighed.

Prasanna took a deep breath, "Have you tried contacting his parents?"

"Not yet."

"Maybe you should."

Jagdish looked at her intently, his eyebrows furrowing, "What's up with you? Let's have it out."

Prasanna shook her head, "Nothing really." She hesitated, then after a long pause, she ventured, "Did you chat with Nishita about Devika?"

Jagdish exhaled deeply, "Yes, I did." He nodded, "She's all right. Nishita was fretting over nothing. Apparently, Devika had a bit too much to drink, took a bit of a tumble, and gave herself a colorful collection of bruises."


There was no chance Devika would cook up stories to this extent... if Chandrakant had hurt her, she would definitely have confided in Nishita. From what she knew about the pair, they were more likely to confront than cower. If Chandrakant had really messed with her, Devika would have been broadcasting it loud and clear, possibly dragging him by the collar to the nearest police station while serving him a knuckle sandwich.


But still, why did she have this nagging feeling that something was off?

It was Kant's shirt...

"Sana... He's going to be alright. He just needs a bit of space to sort himself out. He's always been like this, given his tough childhood. He tends to go solo when he's missing... his brother. And with all this Devika chaos swirling around, he needs this moment to declutter his brain," Jagdish said, stepping closer to envelop her in a hug.

After holding the hug a bit longer, he pulled back and teased, "By the way, congrats... I heard you said yes to Unni's proposal."

Prasanna's face instantly turned tomato red. "What? Has that fucker broadcasted it to everyone already!?"

"Pretty much," he chuckled. "He's over there plotting honeymoon destinations with the juniors, gathering all sorts of ideas on how to sweep you off your feet."

"Oh god! Please, fucking shut up!" she laughed, shaking her head in mock dismay.



Prasanna is so good with her instincts, you know why? Because she handles too many family dramas in court, it's her job!

No particular reason to add "Ilahi- Reprise" here, I was craving some Mohit Chauhan's voice... That's all

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