103. Pathik (Part 3)

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"It's just three days, Nishita," Jagdish whispered tenderly. Nishita clung to him with all her might, unwilling to let him move even an inch on her bed. "And hey, it's your home, not some stranger's den."

Nishita's eyes narrowed as she squinted up at him. "Did I say anything?" she asked, her voice tinged with defiance. She pursed her lips for a moment before adding, "Yeah, it's just three days. Who's talking about you leaving anyway?"

"You are not letting me go," he chuckled, gently tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear. "I'll end up stuck in traffic if I start late."

She pressed her head against his chest. "Five more minutes won't make a difference."

"What is this, wifey?" Jagdish pulled away slightly, his lips curling up in an undeniable grin. "I thought we were still strangers, weren't we?"

Huffing, she pushed him away. "Okay, enough! Get out of here, I am not interested in hugging you anymore."

"My love..." He chuckled, shaking his head. A playful tap landed on her nose. "Anger is definitely a good look for you."

"Anger is a good look waewae..." mocking him in a high-pitched falsetto, she pulled her blanket over herself and grumbled from inside it, "Go, get ready!"


"You got a new dress?" Nishita asked suspiciously, eyeing Jagdish as she dried her hair with a towel.

He shrugged. "Indiraji gave me a set of clothes when I asked for a towel."

"Oh, they bought you a new dress overnight," she raised an eyebrow, her voice dripping with disbelief. "Do you know how many days it took me to convince them to buy me a cycle when I was a kid?" She huffed. "Six months! It took me six months to convince them about a bicycle when I was younger, and even then, Maa banned me from riding it anywhere. Not until I started sneaking out on my own."

"Acha, and where did you first go on your cycle?" Jagdish asked, his lips curving into a delighted smile.

Nishita proudly declared, "To my school, where else?" She looked at him. "I was in the eighth grade back then. Do you know how it feels to ride a Ladybird cycle to school? It wasn't just transportation, it was a throne. Each ride to school was a victory lap, a declaration of independence. I wasn't sure if I was a knight or a diva back then, but one thing was for certain – I ruled the road."

"Alright, alright, settle down there, knight-errant Nishita," Jagdish chuckled. "What epic quest did your Ladybird take you on next?" he prompted, genuinely captivated by her childhood story. His gaze moved between her animated face and her stunning steely grey eyes, which sparkled with reminiscence.

She looked so incredibly beautiful that he wanted to sit there for eternity, listening to every word she spoke until she ran out of things to say... And even then, he wanted to remain there, listening to her breathe. What could be more beautiful than his lovely wife breathing life into him?

And then his eyes landed on her lips.

Oh god, they look so fucking beautiful!

Nishita noticed his gaze and raised her eyebrows. "Oh, hello, are you making fun of me?" Her expression turned into a scowl. "I was just highlighting how being a man, especially a damad, is like being a god. Must be quite fun, getting everything handed to you without even lifting a finger."

"It's a bit more nuanced," Jagdish sighed, shifting his focus from her lips to her face. "Traditionally, sons-in-law are greeted with respect. It's a gesture of trust from the family, entrusting that man to care for their daughter, like a precious jewel." He spoke gently. "They witness their daughters, their beloved babies, growing into strong women, forging their own paths alongside these men. It's a moment of pride, perhaps their way of showing gratitude for their damad's acceptance of her and for standing by her side."

"And men are presumed to have all the maturity in the world, huh?" she retorted, her tone laced with sarcasm. "As if a wife plays no significant role in a man's life, huh?"

Jagdish chuckled as he shook his head.



Y'all, I've been adding and deleting "Saibo" for the last ten chapters. Ugh, now again I have to shift it to the next chapter because what I wrote ended up being too long, so I had to split it into three chapters.

Anyway, "Bol Na Halke Halke" for this chapter, suits the chapter, the way Jagdish enjoys Nishita's rambling. XD

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