125. Kutumb (Part 5)

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"Maaji is also going to Delhi to meet Krishna," Nishita replied, taking a sip of her tea and doodling a tiny mouse in the corner of her notebook. "She called me yesterday to let me know about her plans."

"Hmm..." Jagdish mused aloud, his eyes narrowing as he reached over to the coffee table. He grabbed an apple from the tiny basket, its bright red skin catching the light. With a dramatic flair, he took a loud, exaggerated bite. "Good for Krishna," he said, his voice dripping with mock sweetness. "At least now he's getting all the love from Maa for himself that he whined about since childhood."

Closing her notebook, Nishita shook her head. "You are being petty," she remarked, crossing her legs and smiling at Jagdish's annoyed expression as he ate the apple. The way he bit into it, like a cartoon character, almost made her laugh out loud. "You will always be her favorite, you know that. Stop being jealous of your brother."

He stared at her, bits of apple flying as he garbled. "Now I know how he must've felt when Maa kept calling me Sher, and he was just Krish to her." He scrunched his nose and took a napkin to wipe his mouth.

She chuckled softly, her amusement evident. "Gosh, Jagdish, stop it," she said with a grin, shaking her head fondly. Taking a delicate sip of her tea, she continued, "Seriously, it's his birthday she's traveling for. And obviously, you've mended her relationship with her brothers, so she's traveling to Mathura as well."

"Whatever," he mumbled as he took the last few bites of the apple. Nishita kept staring at him, her gaze unbroken, her eyes fixed on his face. He shifted uncomfortably under her scrutiny, his patience wearing thin until he finally snapped, "What?"

Her smile was a bit too wide, a touch too bright. "What? Nothing at all," she chirped. "Just admiring the view. Isn't it a glorious day to be married to the most beautiful man in the world?"

"Stop mocking," he grumbled, his voice laced with exasperation. "I get it, you think my tomato face is funny."

Nishita rose from her chair and approached him. "Lord Krishna might have been Yashoda Maiyya's favorite," she murmured, plopping onto his lap. She planted a kiss on his nose. "But for Yashoda Veer Singh, her Sher, you are her everything."

He pulled her close, a sigh escaping his lips. "I just wish things were different with..." His voice trailed off, leaving Nishita hanging. "I've tried apologizing to her, but..."

"Jagdish," she interjected softly, her arms wrapping around his shoulders. "Tell me what happened. Maybe I can help. You know I'm good at patching things up."

He shook his head, a veil of sadness clouding his eyes. "It's complicated. Something you wouldn't understand."

"Try me," she persisted gently. "Secrets have a way of festering. Maybe talking about it will help."

He remained silent for a moment, then leaned in and kissed her forehead. "No... Let it be," he smiled. "Maybe I am dwelling on it too much. And about Krish..." His voice softened further. "You're right, I am being unreasonable and petty."

"Aww, my darling husband!" Nishita exclaimed, kissing his lips tenderly before standing up from his lap. She adjusted her dress. "Now, come on, get moving. You'll be late to the airport if you don't start now."

Jagdish sighed and nodded, running a hand through his hair as he glanced at his watch. "Hmm..." he began, then looked back at her with a thoughtful expression. "By the way, Devika and Chandrakant will join you this evening. They'll stay with you until I return. I—"

Placing a finger on his lips, she silenced him with a soft kiss. "I know they're joining, and I can take care of myself," she whispered, her breath warm against his skin. Her eyes softened as she cupped his face in her hands. "Now go, or else I'll pull you back into our bedroom and do things that will make your already tomato-red face even redder."

Jagdish raised his eyebrows and smirked. "Well, you don't need to be in the bedroom for that," he teased, pulling her closer for another kiss.

Giving him a gentle push towards the door, she giggled. "Ae, shameless, get lost!"



Now, that was such a fun chapter to write. Hehe ;)

"Kabhi Neem Neem" for my sweeties.

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