149. Kshama (Part 4)

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Jagdish didn't hesitate for a moment after his father opened his eyes to his foolishness. Without delay, he ran to reclaim his love. How could he have been so heartless? Leaving her during her most difficult time was an act of pure selfishness. Did his love falter? Didn't he vow to be her unwavering support? So why did he betray her trust? Why did he inflict this relentless pain? Why did he abandon her to face this ordeal alone?

A brutal revelation slammed into him like a tidal wave, shattering his walls of guilt and self-pity. He had been so consumed by his own grief and self-loathing that he had failed to see the depth of Nishita's suffering. She needed him now more than ever, and he had turned his back on her when she needed him most. The vows they had exchanged, the promises of unwavering support and companionship, seemed to mock him now.

He was her home, she had said that.

"I will."

His promise echoed in his mind.

While the past remained unchangeable, the future was his for the taking. His heart hammered in his chest as he sprinted towards redemption. Nishita needed to see the Jagdish she fell in love with. He knew that she loved him, her eyes had always confessed to him. He wanted to be the unwavering pillar by her side. He wouldn't let fear dictate his actions any longer.

True love, he understood, demanded facing the storm together, not seeking shelter from it. He owed Nishita his unwavering presence and his unwavering support through this and every hardship. The path wouldn't be smooth, but his resolve to mend what's broken was ironclad. He couldn't erase the desolate weeks of his absence, but he could start now, by being there, hand in hand, as they faced the dawn together.


Catching the first train to Pune, Jagdish arrived before the sun rose to brighten the world. Indira threw open the door, her eyes widening in surprise. "Damad...Damadji?" she stammered, her voice betraying her astonishment.

Jagdish blinked rapidly, trying to stay conscious despite his exhaustion. "Nishita," he managed to say, his voice barely above a whisper.

Indira nodded and led him inside the house. The faint aroma of incense greeted him, but Jagdish barely registered them. He was too focused on seeing his wife. Indira's inquiries about his well-being and other trivialities were met with mumbled responses. His mind was a whirlwind of worry and regret, leaving no space for idle conversation.

She then showed him to Nishita's room. "She often suffers from nightmares..." she began, her voice faltering. "I, uh, stay with her at night to..." Her words trailed off, searching for an explanation that wouldn't reveal their shared worry.

Jagdish cut her off with a gentle but firm shake of his head. "I apologize if I seem abrupt, Indiraji, but I would truly appreciate some privacy with my wife."

Indira hesitated, then continued, "No... Damadji, I just wanted to warn you that she gets scared easily if someone tries to wake her or talk to her while she's asleep," she mumbled, her gaze dropping to the floor. "After the... it's been difficult for her..."

Jagdish stood silent, his gaze fixed on the door. Memories flooded back—Nishita's request for a kiss, the first time he'd truly seen love reflected in her eyes. A shared moment of tenderness, a stark contrast to the turmoil he felt now. Today, he wasn't sure if he was here to seek forgiveness or simply offer himself, hoping for acceptance.

With a steadying breath, Jagdish creaked the door open. The room was cloaked in shadow, save for a sliver of pale morning light peeking through the drapes. Nishita lay on the bed, a specter of the vibrant woman he'd adored. Her face, etched with pain, was drawn and pale. Her hair, usually a source of pride, lay tangled across the pillow. Each shallow, uneven breath was a tiny hammer blow to his already shattered conscience.

Bandages peeked out from beneath the covers, a broken leg, encased in stark white plaster, was a stark reminder of the accident and the toll it had taken on her. Fragile, vulnerable—the sight of her was a fresh torrent of pain, a punishment far worse than any he could have imagined. He hadn't faced her since that horrific day, his cowardice preventing him from facing the wreckage he'd created.

"I will."

I fucking will...

"Indiraji, I will take care," Jagdish said, his voice filled with resolve. He stepped into the room, closing the door softly behind him. He approached the bed slowly, his heart aching at the sight of her.




"Aayat" I don't think any other song would fit better.

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