108. Vigama (Part 3)

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"What... What kind of question is that?"

Yashoda's heart lurched at Jagdish's bewildered response. Perhaps the timing was off, the question poorly chosen. Yet, the unease gnawing at her over the past two days wouldn't be ignored. The way Nishita and Jagdish interacted, a strange mix of familiarity and awkward surprise, painted a confusing picture. They'd embraced emotionally after his sitar performance, a flicker of something deeper. Still, beyond that, every disclosure about Jagdish's life seemed to land on Nishita's face with a jolt of shock.

Despite the swiftness of their courtship, a whirlwind just a few months long, Jagdish had been the one to propose a quick marriage. Neither Nishita's family nor their own had pushed for it. In fact, their interactions had been limited—just six months of long-distance visits with only a meeting a month. Ironically, Yashoda herself had spent more time with Nishita, traveling to Pune to learn about the girl's life and studies. Yet, she couldn't recall Jagdish ever taking a similar initiative.

Now, witnessing their confusing dynamic firsthand, a cold truth settled in Yashoda's gut—neither Nishita nor Jagdish seemed to truly know each other before they had taken the plunge into matrimony.

"Why did you marry Nishita?" Yashoda pressed, her voice firmer this time.

A mother's intuition ran deep. Yashoda felt a responsibility to understand her son's choices, not just for his sake, but for Nishita's as well. She'd assumed their decision stemmed from genuine understanding, fostered by phone calls or whatever modern methods constituted courtship these days. But Nishita's confused expressions were eating at Yashoda. Was this truly a love match, or something more fragile and uncertain?

"Because I love her," Jagdish declared, his jaw set in determination. "What other reason could there be?"

Yashoda stared at him.

Love? Her son was claiming to love Nishita? But the evidence pointed elsewhere. "From what I've observed, Nishita doesn't even know your likes and dislikes," she pointed out, her temper rising slightly.

"Maa, if you're asking if I married her only because you chose her, the answer is no." Jagdish's voice grew fierce. "My feelings for her go back years."

His words startled Yashoda. Years? A flurry of emotions washed over her.

"Years?" she echoed, barely managing the question.

Regret clawed at Jagdish. He hadn't meant to reveal so much. A heavy sigh escaped his lips. This wasn't information he wanted his mother to know. This truth, the years of silent longing, wasn't something he'd ever intended to share. It felt like a betrayal of his mother's tireless efforts to find him a suitable match. All those declined alliances without mentioning his secret love, a love sparked by a mere photograph hidden amongst the many 'prospectives' she'd shown him.

"I... I saw her picture three years ago," he confessed, his voice dropping to a whisper. "Amongst the profiles you showed me."

The memory felt foolish now, a fleeting thought his pragmatic mind had readily swatted away like a pesky fly. Logic had dictated silence. But fate, that mischievous puppeteer, had pulled the strings, and here he was, a twist of circumstance granting him a wish he'd never dared to voice.


He admitted, frustration lacing his voice. "You said she was too young, and I respected your judgment. But the truth is..." He hesitated, then continued, a tinge of regret coloring his tone, "The moment I saw her picture, there was something in her... I couldn't imagine anyone else in her place. Days turned into nights, filled with thoughts of her, wondering what our life could have been like together."

Yashoda's mind struggled to catch up. "Jagdish... what are you...?" she stammered, the weight of his confession settling on her shoulders. "Why did you keep all this hidden from me for so long?"

Jagdish, the initial frustration tinged with a weariness born from years of silence, let out a humorless scoff. "What was I supposed to say, Maa? 'Maa, I'm hopelessly in love with a girl in a photo you tossed aside years ago'?"

"Anything, Sher! You could have opened up to me, I am here for you always!" Yashoda lamented, a hint of disapproval flickering in her eyes. "Suppose I hadn't stumbled upon her profile again? What would have you done then?"

Jagdish gritted his teeth, his fists clenching involuntarily. "THEN NOTHING, MAA!" he snapped. "Because I can't be like Papa," his voice hitched slightly, the years of simmering anger bubbling to the surface as he rushed, "I wouldn't just follow my own desires. I can't be selfish and self-centered like him!"

"Jagdish Singh!"



That was quite a rift, I should have put "DHOOOMTANANANANA" rather than "Madno" XD

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