54. Saksathkriya (Part 4)

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"Viki, I heard you're looking for jobs in Mumbai too?" Nishita inquired.

Devika glanced up from her laptop and shrugged, "Beggars can't be choosers." She grimaced, "I'm over being the jobless wonder and teaching kids is definitely not my jam—that's more your and Mitu's alley. Honestly, I'd probably end up tossing a desk at a kid for being too annoying if I tried teaching."

Nishita burst into laughter, "Oh, Viki!" She continued, "Kids aren't that tough. You just gotta be the cool one they all like."

"Oho... Wait till you've got a few rugrats of your own," Devika teased, rising from her chair and sidling up to her.

Nishita rolled her eyes, "Well, that's a long-ass Vanvaas of my life to fight."

Devika arched an eyebrow, "Is that a bet?" She playfully tapped Nishita's belly, "I'm pretty sure Jagdish will have you popping out his first bundle of joy within the next three years... then another a few years later, and another after that, until you're practically running a mini daycare!"

Nishita blushed a deep red. "Devika!" she gasped, swatting her arm, "What on earth are you talking about? Have you lost it?"

"Oh, sweet Nishu, you're clueless about the epic plans that guy has in store for you," Devika ribbed her.

Nishita squinted her eyes and glared, "Well, if that's true, then it should be every year, right? Why the three-year gap?"

Devika leaned in conspiratorially, "That's just the warm-up phase, Nishu, making sure you're all set for... well, a marathon session of endless fucking."

"Shut up!" Nishita wished the floor would just swallow her up. "For all your wild ideas, he hasn't even kissed me!"

Devika's eyes went wide. "What?" She blinked rapidly and gave Nishita a thorough once-over. "You tried to seduce him, didn't you?"

"As if that would have any effect on him!" Nishita huffed. "We're tying the knot in less than two months, and he hasn't even properly held my hand, forget about a kiss."

"Who passes up that kind of opportunity? You're practically his for life."

"I can tell he's attracted to me, but why on earth does he keep playing the saint, even when I'm all set to... to move past chit-chat!" Nishita ended, clearly exasperated.

Devika bit her lip to stifle a laugh. "You know, Jagdish is one of those men, the kind you should watch out for."

Nishita looked at her, confused.

"The quiet ones, the ones who love you to the moon and back, those who have such ironclad control over themselves that they wait for you to signal you're ready, truly ready," Devika elaborated. "But once their restraint breaks, they unleash all that pent-up intensity. It's terrifying and absolutely breathtaking to witness," she added, a dreamy smile playing on her lips.

Nishita pulled a face, "Eww, who did that to you?"

"Nobody..." Devika turned pink.


"What? I've only heard stories... Besides, who'd love me like that anyway?" She clicked her tongue dismissively.

Nishita sighed, annoyance coloring her tone, "Why do you keep saying that? There are millions of men out there, and not all of them are out to get you!"

Devika chuckled, "It is Nishu, it is his... I mean it's their life mission or something."

Nishita gave her a sharp look, "Viki, is there something you're hiding from me?"

"Like what?"

"That little 'his' slip-up you just let drop," Nishita probed, locking eyes with Devika, trying to nudge her into spilling the beans.

"There's no 'his', Nishu," Devika replied, mustering a wistful smile. "Guys just bolt; they never really get my situation, my feelings, or my struggles... And I'm okay with that."

Nishita moved in for a hug, "Viki, don't believe that for a second," she said, smiling as she wiped away a tear that Devika hadn't even noticed had fallen. "Trust me, there's a King out there just for you. He's going to charge in, sword swinging, and battle all those insecurities, flooding you with so much love it'll rewrite your whole story."

Devika looked at her friend, her grin spreading. "Look at you, spinning tales of love, prince, and weddings," she teased playfully. "What has this Jagdish Ji turned you into? My once never-wed Nishu is now a hopeless romantic, huh?"

Nishita nibbled on her lower lip, uneasy about the noticeable shifts in her mindset—how her thoughts seemed to be rearranging themselves. It was unsettling, this sense that she might be losing her own identity to become someone who fit neatly into the role of Jagdish Veer Singh's wife.

"Hey..." Devika lifted her chin gently, "You're still the same Nishita, and no number of Jagdishs can ever change that."

Nishita wrapped her arms around her friend, holding on tight, willing herself to believe Devika's words. She couldn't stomach the idea of her vibrant dreams dulling into the plainness of life, all her lofty goals fading just to fit into the role of Jagdish's wife.

She sent up a little prayer that Jagdish would turn out to be exactly as Mrs. Singh had painted him, because, truth be told, even after months, he remained a puzzle she couldn't solve.

"By the way, isn't his birthday next week? You could totally gift him... well, you! Just put on some sultry black lingerie; he won't be able to resist himself, that'll surely get his motor running and land you right in his bed... And do you..."

"Fuck off!"



Btw, any ideas of how many kids Jagdish and Nishita will have by now, I mean 2024? Some people might already know the answer ;)

"Tere Hoke Rahenge" was my college anthem! My buddy and I would jam out to it, using our vehicles as makeshift tablas—hilarious and nostalgic!

It's the perfect tune for this chapter because it echoes Nishita's journey as she starts falling for Jagdish, brushing past her insecurities.

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