30. Madanah (Part 5)

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Double update... As I couldn't control myself to schedule this to another day... AAAAA!


Nishita was blissfully unaware of the havoc she was causing in Jagdish's mind and body, lost in her admiration of the scenic views.

"Jagdish..." she smiled, turning to find his gaze fixed on her.

His eyes were intense, their usual brown depths now darkening to a deep, coal-like black.

She stared back, feeling herself drawn into the depths of his intense emotions. "Jagdish..." she whispered, unable to understand why her voice had turned too husky.

He reached out, his large hand enveloping her left wrist as he drew her closer. "Will you marry me?"

She trembled, his warm big paw touching her hand sending a wave of unimaginable sensations through her, too much to bear. Her heart pounded as if it wanted to break free from her chest and leap into his hands, to be cherished by him.

What kind of fucking madness is this!?

"What?" she breathed.

He drew her nearer, enveloping her in a closeness that seemed to defy the world around them. Their faces almost touched, a mere breath apart. "Will you accept me as your husband?" His question hung in the air, a soft whisper that caressed her eyelid.

She closed her eyes, grappling with the unexpected attraction she felt towards this ostensibly vanilla kind of man. It felt absurd for her senses to be so stirred by someone in such simple attire of crisp formals and his stupid metal wristwatch, grazing her skin with a faint, teasing scratch.


It felt like an untimely bloom of affection, unfurling in her heart before its petals were ready.

After all, he wasn't a ruggedly handsome man—the kind who would have made her weak in knees—at least not in the conventional sense. Yes, he had a certain appeal, but nothing about him screamed irresistibility. So why did her mind insist on urging her to draw him closer, to feel the impulse to kiss him?

Excuse me!? Do you want to kiss him?

Yes... He's so...Gosh, I don't know!

"Nishita..." She felt his lips hovering over her eye.

Oh... He called my name...

His voice, like a gentle melody, caressed her ears and stirred something deep within her.

She leaned in, her right hand reaching out to touch his heart, her heart racing a marathon as she sensed his equally sprinting behind her.

Never before had her own name sounded so exquisite, as though he were weaving a divine hymn crafted solely for her. She couldn't resist the enchanting charm of his voice, knowing deep down that this was her surrender, her acknowledgment of his undeniable power over her. It was both thrilling and frightening, this realization of how deeply he affected her.

Yet, she yielded, she completely gave in to his inexplicable allure.

She didn't want to be alone anymore!

His hand gently released hers, and she embraced him in a hug, her answer a soft, "Yes."

In response, he hugged her lightly, a silent vow to always stand by her side.


After confirming her answer to his question, they had stood in silence on the edge of the cliff for a long while until his phone pinged. He had informed her that Devika had taken his siblings to her house and had suggested they return to avoid the evening traffic.

"Okay," she had replied as he had walked her to his car.

In the cocoon of Jagdish's car, a serene silence enveloped them, gently punctuated by the soft melodies of Hindustani music floating in the air. This peaceful ambiance offered Nishita a rare moment of introspection, prompting her to observe the minutiae of the car's interior with a newfound curiosity. Unlike her usual self, who paid little heed to such details, she found herself fascinated by the subtle nuances of Jagdish's vehicle, studying each element with a keen eye.

It was impeccably clean, with everything neatly arranged. "Proper" was the word that had come to her mind.

The car smelled of roses, a surprising choice for a man. Traditionally, men favored scents like musk, cedarwood, or spices, which were considered more masculine. Roses, on the other hand, were considered more feminine.

She had also noticed the same floral notes on his shirt when she had hugged him earlier. It had reminded her of her garden, making her comfortable in his embrace. It was unusual to see a man adopting such a floral scent, adding to the mystery of his character.

He is something different for sure.

She couldn't help but steal a few glances at him. Something inside her started to feel warm, blossoming like the roses of some unknown emotions.

Do I really want to marry him? Or am I just fascinated by Mrs. Singh's nature and curiosity about her son?




"Rozana" is a song that I can listen to 200 times a day and still cry at how sweet Shreya's voice is T-T

Also, what is with this mysterious Jagdish making Nishita agree to him so easily, huh!? Lol XD

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