31. Pratisthana (Part 1)

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"You said yes!?" Devika asked in utter disbelief, her eyes widening.

Upon their return home, Jagdish bid his farewell after the customary meeting with Nishita's parents. His sister had effortlessly struck up a friendship with Devika and Mohini, radiating a vibrant aura that starkly contrasted with the subdued demeanor of Jagdish's brother. He had appeared withdrawn, buried in Mohini's medical entrance test books. When Nishita had inquired about the books, he had nonchalantly remarked, "Oh, a friend of mine had used these for her medical examination. These reminded me of her." Subhadra had playfully interjected, "Do you have friends who study science?"

Jagdish had remained notably reserved during the gathering. Whenever Devika had attempted to engage him in a discussion about their next date, he had responded with either monotonous remarks or had deftly redirected the topic, his discomfort manifesting in the blush of his cheeks. He had occurred almost skeptical that Nishita had agreed to marry him, frequently stealing glances at her, as if expecting her to announce their decision to her parents.

However, Nishita had wished to confer with her best friend first, thus she had refrained from discussing the matter openly.

As she pondered over her decision, doubts crept into her mind. Was she truly confident about marrying Jagdish? Would they indeed understand each other and be compatible?

Lost in her thoughts, she felt a gentle shake on her shoulder.

"Nishu!" It was Devika, trying to bring her back to reality.

She blinked, "Yes?"

"Yes!" Devika shook her head, plopping beside her on the bed with a sigh. "What do you even know about him? You should have pushed for another date or something!"

"I didn't want to."

Whoa! Where did that come from?

Her impulsive response startled both her and Devika, leaving Nishita feeling as though she were in a dream, waiting to wake up and find the entire situation to be a mere figment of her imagination. It simply had to be!

"What do you mean?" Devika asked, her grip tightening on Nishita's arm. "Did he blackmail you into this or something?"

Bewildered by the accusation, Nishita couldn't help but laugh softly. "Blackmail? Are you serious, Viki?"

"No, but I'm starting to think you might be!" Devika shrugged. "This whole situation just doesn't sit right with me. You're committing to something without really knowing much about him." She paused, adding, "You could take your time. I don't think either your parents or even Mrs. Singh are in a rush for this."

Nishita swatted Devika's hand away from her arm, a hint of irritation creeping into her voice. "I know... Like anyone would dare to question my decisions!" She sighed before admitting, "I... I actually like him."

Devika's eyes widened dramatically as wide as saucers. "Like? Seriously?" She paused, letting the tension build before almost shouting, "What on earth is there to like about him?"


"I'm not done!" Devika interrupted sharply, her tone laced with sarcasm. "I know you had a thing for Shravan and were ready to take the plunge, but this guy? Come on! Being a virgin must be seriously messing with your head. I've told you before, take a leaf out of my book; it might help curb those excessively enthusiastic impulses!"

"I'm not lusting after him!" Nishita's voice rose in frustration. "I can't just be a replica of you, embracing pleasures in the same way. I have my own path to find satisfaction, and it doesn't require a man. To be honest, masturbating can be way more pleasurable!" She paused, trying to gather her thoughts amidst the confusion. "It's not about physical desires. There's something about him that intrigues me, that compels me to delve deeper into his world. I want to understand him, to unravel the mysteries he holds." She shook her head in disbelief. "And now, I find myself liking him. Can you even begin to comprehend that, Viki?"

"God, you're beyond idiotic nonsense!" Devika sighed, pressing her hand on her forehead. "And what did that moron say?"

"He was the one who proposed, so clearly he's interested," Nishita retorted her tone a mix of exasperation and determination.

Letting out a scoff, Devika said. "He wasn't even interested in meeting you in the first place, and now he wants to marry you." She couldn't stop herself from rolling her eyes. "You two are on the fast track to becoming the prime example of 'Chatt Mangni, Patt Byah'!"

Nishita narrowed her eyes. "I wanted to discuss this with you, and all I'm getting is disagreement and discouragement."

"Nishu, enlighten me, what genius logic made you say yes to this? Just one reason."

Nishita's cheeks burned hot.

"You're blushing!" Devika teased. "Nishu, what's got you so smitten?"

Smiling shyly, she replied. "It's his eyes," she admitted. "They seem to see me... Understand me in a way I've never felt before. There's a passion in them... for me."

Devika's expression softened. "I see. Well, if you're sure about this, who am I to rain on your parade? I am just worried that things might be moving a bit too quickly."

Nishita nodded, her smile fading slightly. "I understand your concern. It's something that's been on my mind too. But deep down, I believe his intentions are genuine."

Grinning like a fool, Devika smacked her lips. "Oh, you're turning into such an aunty already!" She playfully wailed, "Maiyya Yashoda is probably preparing to welcome you for her Kanhaiya, ready to make you the Badi Bahu of the Singh Khandaan!" She burst into giggles when Nishita glared at her, launching into the song 'Maiyya Yashoda' from Hum Saath Saath Hain and forcing her friend to dance as well.

"Oh, Kanha! Viki, shut up!"



*coughs* A wedding is on the way now.

Do you think Nishita is hurrying into this whole marriage thing and she should probably take a break?

Oh, god... "Maiyya Yashoda" was among the top ten songs for shadi-sangeet and antakshari during my childhood XD Also, the dresses of all three female leads in this song used to be goals, especially that off-white Ghaghra Choli of Sonali, uff T-T

Well, I never got to wear those for two reasons:

1. I realized I could never wear something so uncomfortable at my wedding.

2. I'm not one to splurge on a dress, like seriously, who does that? XD I guess I had the simplest wedding (and no, it wasn't a simple court marriage; we had a proper pandit and all), with such a meticulously planned budget since my boyfriend and I were the ones sponsoring 90% of the cost. With age, I've come to realize that movies portray nonsense, and it's not worth it (just my personal opinion, not judging those who do) to be extravagant when I could use that money to travel the world or enjoy the best food. Plus, it was so enjoyable to interact with so many people, bargain, and all that! My friends were absolute darlings; having witnessed my relationship for so long, they helped me with almost everything.

Give some of your favorite songs from childhood, let's see if we can play antakshari here XD

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