69. Sakhilya (Part 4)

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"I've fetched everything you commanded, now please, let me hit the books!" Nayan Prasad, the ever-adorable cousin of Nishita, pleaded, his voice a perfect cocktail of exasperation and amusement. His arms, heavy with shopping bags, bore testament to the myriad errands she'd sent him on. Nishita, the queen of playful teasing, couldn't help but smile at his predicament. Though he was just a few days younger, Nayan frequently found himself at the mercy of her antics. But he never really minded. In fact, he found her teasing rather endearing, often chuckling inwardly at her exaggerated shows of mock indignation.

Nishita leaned back in her chair, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Oh, hello ji, Mr. Future DM," she said with a dramatic flair, "such a grand attitude even before cracking the UPSC. Just imagine the high horse you'll be on once you actually become an IAS officer." She smirked, leaning in with a conspiratorial grin. "Will you treat me like dirt then, huh?"

Nayan shook his head, a grin tugging at the corners of his mouth. "Why would I do that? I'll probably just try to steer clear of Devi Maharani as much as possible."

Nishita chuckled, her laughter like a cascade of bells. "Ah, very good. One must definitely be wary of a future CA and the spouse of a criminal lawyer."

Nayan rolled his eyes theatrically. "I don't know how terrifying a CA is supposed to be, but I agree—crossing paths with a criminal lawyer is asking for trouble, especially one who handles high-profile cases like Jiju."

Mohini, who had been lounging on the couch and reading her book, chimed in with a playful wink. "Exactly. It's all about knowing who not to mess with."

Nishita's expression softened as she chewed on her lower lip. "It's not that dangerous, really."

She had overheard snippets of Jagdish's phone conversations, giving her a glimpse into the kinds of cases he handled. Although she wasn't privy to all the details, it became clear that her future husband was a no-nonsense attorney. His ruthlessness was evident from the impressive string of victories he had secured, allowing him to transition from handling simple cases to taking on high-profile clients, including businessmen and politicians. His network of connections seemed to grow exponentially, like a spider weaving an intricate web.

When she agreed to marry him, she hadn't fully considered the potential dangers of his profession. Being a criminal lawyer meant navigating a world fraught with risks and moral ambiguities. Jagdish's success as a lawyer was unmistakable, but it came with a growing number of enemies. He had earned the ire of rival attorneys, disgruntled former clients, and the criminal underworld. Defending notorious figures and exposing corruption often painted a target on his back, making him a magnet for threats and hostility.

Nayan's and Mohini's warnings echoed in her mind, making her acutely aware of the precariousness of his career and the risks that lay ahead.

Jagdish had smiled when she expressed her concerns about possible retaliation from those he had bested in court, the dangers of being associated with powerful yet unscrupulous individuals, and the constant shadow of intimidation that loomed over his every move. He had replied confidently, "Wifey, no one can harm me or my family. I know how to safeguard them. And you... you come before everything else. I won't let anyone harm you, ever. Don't worry like a silly little girl."

That somewhat had relieved a bit of tension but the prospect of living with such constant danger weighed heavily on her, transforming what was once an exciting future into a daunting reality.

Mohini raised an eyebrow, her tone shifting to one of genuine concern. "You say that, but with the kind of cases Jiju takes on, it's a whole different jungle out there. Just promise us you'll be careful, okay?"

Nayan nodded, sensing the shift in the conversation's tone. "Yeah, Nishu. We all care about you. Just promise us you'll always stay safe."

Nishita gave a small, grateful smile. "I will, I promise. Now go study, future DM. The country needs you to be prepared."

Nayan laughed and gave a mock salute before heading to his room.

Nishita and Mohini watched him disappear into his room. Nishita turned to Mohini, her earlier bravado replaced with a thoughtful expression. "Do you think he'll be okay?"

"Nayan? He'll be fine. He's got the drive and the heart. Plus, he's got us."

Nishita smiled, reassured. "Yeah, you're right. We've got each other." Her mind still thinking about Jagdish and his safety.



Both Singh brothers are in careers that I personally find very challenging and dangerous. While I can respect policemen and lawyers, I am also somewhat fearful of getting too close to them. I've heard a few stories about good officers that didn't end well. It might sound dramatic and filmy, but the reality is that certain professions carry a lot of risk and hardship.

Also, if you've noticed Krishna's behavior in my books after he becomes a police officer, he's always on high alert. His eyes constantly scan his surroundings, and he's perpetually vigilant. I don't know how many of you picked up on this, but I deliberately included these behaviors because I've observed this constant state of alertness in policemen. Two of my friends' parents are in the police department, and I've studied them since childhood. I tried to incorporate those traits into Krishna's character to make him realistic.

The next number for shadi sangeet is "High Heels." I couldn't possibly leave it off my list, especially considering how Nishita effortlessly orchestrates everyone like puppets on a string.

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