5. Atirajni (Part 5)

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Nishita started with her points as she proudly declared, "I'm ambitious. I want to become a CA," she added with a light shrug, "I don't want to trade my dreams for your son!"

Mrs. Singh's eyebrow arched in response, countering with a playful smirk, "My son is ambitious too, and he'd love a partner who's just as driven," she teased. "Besides, I'm pretty sure he'd be annoyed if I found him a wife whose only goal is to be a trophy wife."

Undeterred, Nishita continued, "I'm fiercely independent," she insisted with a hint of defiance, "I won't let anyone underestimate what a woman can achieve."

Mrs. Singh's response was quick and witty, "I'm all for girl power, I believe women hold the power to shape the world," she quipped, "I don't want a doormat for a daughter-in-law."

Nishita pressed on, "I love traveling," she exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with excitement, "I'll go anywhere, anytime, with anyone!"

With a chuckle, Mrs. Singh shot, "That's great, but I don't see how that's a problem. In fact, I might even join you! It's been ages since I've had a good adventure. Think you can handle having me as your travel buddy?"

Nishita grinned at the challenge, "Bring it on!" she replied enthusiastically. "What about your son? Does he share your passion for travel?" She inquired.

"Not particularly," Mrs. Singh replied with a negative shake of her head. "He's a bit of a workaholic and prefers spending his free time at home with his siblings. While he does enjoy outings with his friends occasionally, he's not as enthusiastic about travel as you are."

"Wouldn't he be upset by that?" She pressed further. It was a big deal for her.

Mrs. Singh's laughter rang out. "Not at all," she assured. "Rather he would encourage it. When my daughter wanted to travel to Switzerland alone at the frail age of eighteen and her father hesitated, she went straight to her older brother for support. Well, surprise, surprise! He ensured she had a memorable experience in her trip."

Nishita's face contorted into a hilarious mix of surprise and bewilderment, prompting a hearty grin from Mrs. Singh.

Their banter continued as Nishita confessed, "I have a short fuse and get easily annoyed."

Mrs. Singh's response was calm and collected, "Well, my son is the epitome of patience," she stated with a knowing smile, "He'll know how to handle you."

Nishita's cheeks burned as she choked on her own spit.

"Someone's blushing!"

Not one to back down, Nishita coughed to contain herself and admitted, "I'm not fond of traditional attire like sarees. I find them cumbersome and uncomfortable."

"Clothing should always be comfortable," Mrs. Singh nodded in understanding, "That's okay, nobody's forcing you to wear them," she reassured with a wink.

Then, with a sudden burst of courage, Nishita revealed, "And... I have a crush on my senior!"

Oh, shit!

Mrs. Singh's eyes glinted mischievously, "Oh, really?" she teased, "What's his name?"

"Wait, what!?" Nishita's eyes widened in shock, caught off guard by Mrs. Singh's playful response. "You aren't angry about that? And why would you want to know his name!?"

"Well, it's not uncommon for a twenty-two-year-old girl to like someone," Mrs. Singh remarked casually, shrugging her shoulders. "I'm sure plenty of guys would flirt with you daily. You're quite the catch, so beautiful that any man could fall for you. It'd be a shame if they didn't show interest."

Nishita, then and there, wanted the floor to split open and Bhoomata to engulf her alive in her core. She felt beyond embarrassed, her cheeks were practically on fire.

Sure, she'd been called many things, but "beautiful" wasn't typically one of them.

A little cocky, sure. Sexy lady, maybe. But, beautiful? No.

Feeling overwhelmed, she propelled herself out of the swing and stood straight, trying to regain her composure. "Mrs. Singh, you're a riot," she exclaimed, shaking her head in disbelief. "I've never met anyone quite like you. You make me feel... feel..."

"Nervous?", Mrs. Singh helpfully supplied.

Hey Kanha!

She paused, her lips parting as if to speak but then she stopped herself, eyes fixed on Mrs. Singh. There was something oddly captivating about her. Nishita realized she hadn't been this impressed with someone since she saw her mom handle a lizard with a broomstick. Maybe she'd been a bit quick to judge, especially when other women made her feel like the second-rate option in the marriage mart, all because she didn't fit their fair-skin fantasy.

Sure, she was all for feminism, but it stung when her aunts acted like she missed the memo on inheriting her dad's skin tone and ended up looking more similar to her mother. And comically, she wasn't even dark—just a few shades off from a Philips tube light!

Observing Nishita's pensive expression, Mrs. Singh nudged, "Looks like you've played all your cards." She gracefully pushed herself out of the swing and stood beside her, her height almost matching Nishita's at an impressive five-foot-seven. "So, what do you say? Want to give meeting my son a chance?"


"Don't worry, you don't have to tie the knot on the spot," Mrs. Singh quipped. "It's not like a Shadi package deal. It has to be a mutual feeling and a consensual decision from both of you. He's got to charm you too. Just because I'm his mother doesn't mean he gets a free pass. No pressure!"

If this guy's mom is this quick-witted, I can only imagine what he's like. Probably the smooth-talking type, he might even sweep me off my feet.

Hey! What about our darling Shravan!? Her subconscious jumped into her mind.

His loss! He doesn't even give you a second look like... Like he's interested in you!

Ugh, there goes my grand plan of building a palace for Shravan in my heart.

Hearing her subconscious wail over her broken dreams, she thought for a while and blurted out, "Okay..."

Mrs. Singh patted her shoulder. "Now that's my girl."

Wait, you weren't ready for any of this! Oh boy, Mrs. Singh is fucking treacherous.



Yashoda- One. Nishita- Zero.


"Besharam Rang" is dedicated to both my ladies here, who just can't shut up XD

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