101. Pathik (Part 1)

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For readers curious about when Nishita and Jagdish got married, it was on October 11, 2011. (I have a timeline that I'll update once the story concludes, but I thought this information might help you understand a few things better now.)


"You ready?" Jagdish's voice was light, almost like a murmur.

He shifted uncomfortably, his gaze flitting around the room but unable to land on Nishita's eyes. A mere two days together, and the thought of leaving her behind in her parents' house for this stupid Pag Phera ritual for three fucking days was already tearing him up. The looming prospect of December, when she'd return her maiden home for an extended stay, felt like a fresh hell waiting to happen. But his promise to support her happiness, even at his own cost, echoed in his mind. He would endure every freaking pain to see her smiling face.

He noticed her grumbling something incoherently and cleared his throat. "What's wrong?" he asked, concern lacing his voice.

"Nothing." She snarled.

Why is she angry now?

"Are you angry, my love?" Undeterred, Jagdish tried again. "Why?"

Her reply was a huff and an eye roll. "Can't a girl just be in a bad mood?" she countered, her movements sharp as she started pulling out her suitcase. "Does every emotion need a reason?" she turned to look at him. "Maybe it's the darn black tea they insist on serving in the morning instead of my usual milk tea, or maybe I just can't find my slippers anywhere!"

Nishita let out a frustrated sigh and whirled back to rummage through the wardrobe, muttering under her breath.

Jagdish walked over and gently took her hand. "The slippers would most likely be by the shoe rack," he offered, his touch sending a subtle warmth through her. Noticing the telltale redness at the tip of her nose, he added, "And you know Maa would have happily made you milk tea if you'd just asked."

"And she would have thought that I treat her like a maid?" she retorted, sniffing like a babe, "No, thank you very much for your suggestion, I'll make myself some from next time."

He began his explanation, "We all have black tea in the morning, Nishita. Maybe Maa just"

"Ugh, stop explaining!" Nishita cut him off, shaking her head in frustration. "Honestly, it's nothing. Really, nothing at all! Okay?"

Despite her insistence, he couldn't shake the feeling that something deeper was bothering her. "Wifey, are you sure there isn't something you want to talk about?"

She snapped, her voice tight. "No!" she inhaled a long breath and continued. "I said let's go. Mohini and Nayan are waiting."

"What about Devika?" Jagdish questioned, trying to shift the focus. "Isn't she coming with us?"

Nishita seemed to relax slightly. "No, she's moving into Kant's apartment today," she explained as she started walking towards the door. "She figured it would be better to get settled in a bit early before starting her new job."

Jagdish trailed behind Nishita, a knot of conflicting emotions twisting in his gut. Downstairs, the family formed a receiving line, their faces etched with both joy to see Nishita and the inevitable pang of goodbye. As Jagdish joined them, the weight of impending departures settled over the room. The goodbyes hung heavy in the air, a bittersweet reminder of the temporary nature of their time together.

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