17. Tvish (Part 2)

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Jagdish observed Nishita's expression, registering her apparent comprehension of the innuendo he had subtly slid in. He cleared his throat, "I prefer not to rush my work. It's unfair to my clients and unjust to the victims."

"Oh... I..." she responded, her tone trailing off, unable to articulate her thoughts. She pivoted and set off, striding ahead while he trailed behind at a slow pace.

A smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he turned his eyes away from her.

"What qualities do you expect in your future wife?"


The words lingered on the tip of his tongue, tied by the caution of his conscience.

Since the moment he had held her that evening, he had been restrained. It had been absolutely surreal, an otherworldly experience, gazing into her steely eyes, witnessing her confusion and perhaps his own. And then, when she had recovered her equilibrium, her eyes had narrowed in irritation at the intrusion of a stranger's touch. She was spirited, a feisty lady, his darling.

Your darling?

Yes, mine.

In his mind, he had claimed her long ago. He had lived eons and eons, making love, living in love. For him, they were the first man and woman and would be the last.  For him, they were the start and end of the universe, of time, and of all consciousness. For him, they both had been combined and made the dot of infinity and beyond.

"Would you like to answer my questions, or should we head back inside?"

Her irritated voice brought his wandering thoughts to a halt. He glanced at her, noticing the captivating angry pout she wore. His eyes lingered at her lips for longer than needed, absorbing every detail, every nuance of those curved delights—the very essence of the desires he craved.

Kiss her.


With a slight cough, he closed his eyes briefly. "Apologies, I've been rather occupied lately," he offered, lamely. "I wanted to meet with you today to see if you'd be interested... in meeting again, away from the prying eyes of our parents and without the pressure of giving immediate feedback."

She paused, turning to regard him over her shoulder. "Is that your way of asking a woman out?" A chuckle escaped her lips as she pivoted, twirling a rose in her hand. "You're not much of a conversationalist, are you? I doubt you've ever been on a date."

Why would I want to date anyone when I was born only for you?

Fuck, from when you have become a poet? Taking notes from your little brother Krishna, huh?

Grinning, he shook his head. "I've never dated anyone before. You're the first woman I've met with to see if I'm worthy of being a husband."

His darling smiled coyly. "Why me?" Her lips curled further, brightening her grin. "I'm sure Mrs. Singh scoured this entire world, perhaps the whole universe, to find you a suitable match."

"Yes..." His grin widened. "My old lady is a bit eccentric, but she never set me up on a meeting until... She found you."

She stepped closer to him, though there was still a few inches of space between them. Yet, his heart began to race as fast as if running a sprint, and his grin faded as he stared at her. Her icy blue eyes looked at him with such innocence, as if seeking assurance of love and trust, and he struggled to find the right words to convey that he was there for her, utterly and completely.

"I..." She began, "We could meet... Again, if you could find some time for me."

"Yes, of course," he blurted out hurriedly, feeling his cheeks flush with heat.

She giggled. "You're too fair-skinned to hide your face turning so beet-red."

"I didn't even know I could blush," he muttered to himself, though she heard him and laughed aloud.

"My, my, do I make you blush?" She teased while passing him the rose, and he was certain he was as red as his favorite cricket ball from childhood. It seemed his darling had the power to draw unexpected reactions from him.

Sighing, he took the rose and admitted, "I have no answer for that."

And that extracted more melodious tunes of laughter from her.



That was such a cute chapter to write tbh.

I've had "Saudebazi" on repeat ever since I began writing this story. I've been itching to incorporate this beautiful song somewhere and I finally found the perfect chapter for it!

Vote share comment :)

P. S. Triple update because... I'll be not updating for two/three days... So, thought to update early ;)

 So, thought to update early ;)

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